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lien 29.08.2007 17:33 
Sujet: Рекомендательное письмо - подчистите, пожалуйста!
Господа, пишу для себя рекомендательное письмо. Соответствующее бюро подпишет, но вот редактировать, вероятно, не будет, так уж сложилось. А писать, по идее, должен носитель. Просьба, подчистите, если что не так, в частности, артикли. Огромное спасибо!

Mr. X collaborates with Y Translation Agency as a freelancer since February, 2006. To present day he have participated in a number of large projects, such as Sevmash, Kashagan, Sakhalin, Sakhalin II, the projects on Hamworthy Combustion equipment including that for Lukoil. Furthermore he translated the documentation for range of companies concerning manufacturing automation, electronics, electrical devices, power generating. Mr. X demonstrates permanent high quality of translation both regarding technical competence and a good exposition in Russian. Complying with requirements in respect of order due date is other important feature of Mr. X. It necessary to note that Mr. X proves skilful using of Translation Memory Programs such as Transit and Trados and a competence work with glossaries. I am sure that Mr. X’s experience and compleat professionalism are able to bring considerable benefits to the companies with field of expertise lying in technics and to satisfy their needs and requirements as regards to translation work quality.


lien 29.08.2007 18:39 
My changes are in caps.

Mr. X HAS COLLABORATED with Y Translation Agency as a freelance TRANSLATOR since February, 2006. TO DATE, he HAS participated in a number of large projects, such as Sevmash, Kashagan, Sakhalin, Sakhalin II, AND the projects on Hamworthy combustion equipment including that for Lukoil. Furthermore he HAS translated documentation for A range of companies IN THE FIELDS OF manufacturing automation, electronics, electrical devices, AND power GENERATION. Mr. X HAS DEMONSTRATED EXCELLENT PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATION SKILLS, WHICH ARE CHARECTERIZED BY A HIGH LEVEL OF TECHNICAL COMPETENCE and a ??good exposition in Russian??. MR. X ALSO HAS THE ABILITY TO COMPLY WITH STRICT TIMETABLES. It SHOULD ALSO BE NOTED that Mr. X IS TRAINED IN THE USE OF Translation Memory Programs such as Transit and Trados and CAN COMPETENTLY WORK with glossaries. I am sure that Mr. X’s experience and professionalism WILL benefit companies IN TECHNICAL FIELDS and WILL MEET their TRANSLATION needs.

I'm not sure what you mean by "good exposition in Russian". I could help if you provide me with the Russian. Good luck!

 sammertaim knaives

lien 29.08.2007 18:59 
я бы не поставил свою подпись под Вашим рекомендательным письмом.
he have - это говорит, что вам рано еще начинать выходить в большое плавание...


lien 30.08.2007 4:46 
To SigGolfer:
I am sure that Mr. X’s experience and professionalism WILL benefit companies...
а возможно ли такое управление с benefit ??
кто кому в итоге пользу то принесет?

 sammertaim knaives

lien 30.08.2007 6:41 


lien 30.08.2007 6:44 
Не обижайтесь пожалуйста, Мистер Ранлин, но страшное дело, я соглашусь с добрым троллем! От вашего письма ОЧЕНЬ сильно отдает Ранглишом! Выходить в плавание или нет, дело ваше, но такая рекомендация на самом деле - не очень!
Если вы хотите найти хорошую, покопайтесь в инете, и переделайте ее! Ваш вариант, не рекомендация, а антирекомендация!


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