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spice [spaɪs] імен.
заг. спеція f; пряність f; приправа f; гострий запах; пряний аромат; гострота f; пікантність f; присмак m (чогось); домішка f (чогось); слід m (чогось); відтінок m (чогось); приправити; приправляти (прянощами); присмачити
нарк.жарг. спайс m (Yanamahan); спайсуха f (Yanamahan); меланж m (Yanamahan)
розм. грабіжник m; пограбування n
spice [spaɪs] дієсл.
заг. приправляти спеціями; присмачувати (прянощами); надавати гостроти; надавати пікантності; додавати прянощі
 Англійський тезаурус
spice [spaɪs] імен.
заг. spiccato
SPICE [spaɪs] скор.
абрев. Spacecraft Planets Instrument Constants And Events; Special Program Of Initiative Challenge Excitement; Support, Participation, Involvement, Communication, Empowerment; Supportive Parents of Indian Children Everywhere; Scalable Parallel Intelligent Communications Engine
абрев., IT Software Process Improvement and Capability d Etermination
абрев., архіт., науков. Structured Process Improvement for Construction Enterprises
абрев., військ., авіац. smart precise impact and cost effective
абрев., військ., ППО the space pointing integrated control experiment
абрев., ел., науков. Simulation Program For Integrated Circuit Emulation
абрев., комп., IT Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis; Single Pass Inkjet Color Engine
абрев., логіст. Service Parts Inquiry and Communication Edge (gorbulenko)
абрев., мед. North Carolina Statewide Program For Infection Control And Epidemiology; Simulation of Polymorphic Interactome in Cancer Etiology
абрев., осв. Special Preservice And Inservice Courses For Educators; Special Programme of Initiative Challenge and Excitement; Special Programme Of Initiative, Challenge, And Excitement; Spouses And Partners International Conference For Education; Students Participating In Community Enterprises; Students Practicing Ideas Of Character Education; Summer Program In Careers Environment
абрев., осв., науков. Senior Prevention Intervention Counseling Education; Single Parents In College for Excellence
абрев., ох.здор., мед. Statewide Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology
абрев., прогр., IT Smart Personalisation And Integrated Card Encoding; Software Process Improvement and Capability; Software Process Improvement And Capability Evaluation
абрев., рел. Selected Programs For Improving Catholic Education; Special People In Catholic Education
абрев., спорт. Supervised Personal Introduction to Custom Exercise
абрев., юр. Special Program Of Initiative Challenge And Excitement
тех. Spacelab payload integration and coordination in Europe
SPICE [spaɪs] скор.
абрев., косм. Spacelab Payload Integration and Co-ordination in Europe; suprathermal plasma investigation of cometary environments
абрев., телеком. sales point information computing equipment
: 21 фраза в 7 тематиках
Американський вираз не написання2
Загальна лексика9
Інформаційні технології4
Розмовна лексика1