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small-town ['smɔ:l'taun]наголоси
заг. характерный для небольшого города
архіт. провинциальный
букв. местечковый (Tanya Gesse)
Макаров захолустный
small town ['smɔːl'taʊn]
заг. городок; захолустный; характерный для небольшого города; п.г.т. (MichaelBurov); местечко (in Ukraine and Byelorussia); посёлок (Big City: 300,000+ people within city limits City: 100,000-300,000 citizens within limits Small City: 20,000-100,000 citizens within limits Big Town: 7,000-20,000 citizens within limits Town: 800-7,000 citizens within limits Small Town: 200-800 citizens within limits Village: 50-200 citizens within limits Hamlet: Community with less than 50 members. A small town generally is community possessing a post office and not much else.. Maybe a gas station or two. If you live within 10 minutes of a Wal-Mart, chances are you don't live in a small town. Also it should not be said that there is nothing to do if there is a Wal-Mart around, because there is a high probability that there is a theater or fast food restaurant around too. "Man, city people get bored too easily, if they have one uneventful night, they automatically say 'I hate living in this small town' when actually they should be saying 'This isn't so bad, imagine living in a real small town.'" UD Alexander Demidov); небольшой городок (especially as considered to be unsophisticated or petty Val_Ships); захолустный городок (Val_Ships); небольшой город (Despite the sightings being fairly widespread, however, it was the small town of Kecksburg in Pennsylvania that would become most closely associated with the incident. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver); маленький городок (tiny village; concerning a small town or village. BED. Small Town: 200-800 citizens within limits. UD. Small town is used when referring to small places, usually in the United States, where people are friendly, honest, and polite, or to the people there. Small town is also sometimes used to suggest that someone has old-fashioned ideas. [mainly AM] * ...an idealized small-town America of neat, middle-class homes. CCALD. He was born in the small town of Castleford, in Yorkshire. We spent our holidays in a small French town. CALD. Sackville is a small university town in eastern Canada. OALD. Rowayton is a small town of around 4000 people. LDOCE. also: little, tiny (esp. AmE). OCD Alexander Demidov); посёлок городского типа (MichaelBurov)
буд. местечко (Am Andrey Truhachev); маленький город; малый город
вироб. минигородок (Yeldar Azanbayev)
геогр. посёлок
застар. пригородье; губернском городе (Ivan Pisarev)
зменш. местечко
Gruzovik, застар. пригородье (= пригород)
Gruzovik, іст. пригород
small townAm. ['smɔːl'taʊn]
буд. малый город (Andrey Truhachev)
small town in Ukraine and Belarus ['smɔːl'taʊn]
Gruzovik местечко
: 48 фраз в 9 тематиках
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