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late chargeнаголоси
заг. неустойка (Lavrov); штраф за нарушение сроков (From Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (En-En) late charge a penalty charge in addition to the regularly scheduled payment, as of a loan, if such payment has not been made when due. From Financial & Business Terms 2.0 late charge A fee a credit grantor charges a borrower for a late payment. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Alexander Demidov); неустойка за просрочку уплаты (A fee a credit grantor charges a borrower for a late payment. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Alexander Demidov); пени за несвоевременную оплату (Alexander Demidov); пеня за задержку (Alexander Demidov); проценты за неправомерное пользование чужими денежными средствами (a penalty charge in addition to the regularly scheduled payment, as of a loan, if such payment has not been made when due. RHWD Alexander Demidov); неустойка за неуплату (A charge levied on an account for a payment that is either made late, or is not made. The amount of the late charge is determined by the financial institution. Read more: investorwords.com Alexander Demidov); проценты за просрочку платежа (The penalty a borrower must pay when a payment is made a stated number of days. On a first trust deed or mortgage, this is usually fifteen days. realestateabc.com Alexander Demidov); проценты за просрочку (A fee that a creditor assesses on a debtor when the borrower makes a late payment. For example, suppose a student loan carries a monthly payment of $150 and is due on the last day of each month. If the borrower does not pay the full $150 on the due date (or within a certain grace period), the lender may assess a $15 late charge. Late charges may occur with loans or other liabilities, such as a rent payment. Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Alexander Demidov); проценты за просрочку уплаты задолженности (A fee to compensate a lender for the additional administrative expenses and general inconvenience suffered when payments are not received on time.If the late charge is excessive,the courts will construe it as a penalty,and penalties are illegal. Many industries have had to reduce their customary late charges because of class-action litigation resulting in millions of dollars of refunds and reimbursement for attorneys' fees. The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia Alexander Demidov); проценты за неисполнение денежного обязательства (A fee charged to a borrower by a credit grantor due to a late payment. Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary Alexander Demidov)
банк. пеня (Alik-angel); штраф за просрочку (Alik-angel); пени за просрочку (Alik-angel)
бізн. последняя оплата
ек. пени за задержку платежа; неустойка за просроченный платёж
торп. пеня за задержку платежа
юр. неустойка на просроченную задолженность (Alexander Demidov)
юр., дог. пеня за просрочку платежа (Alik-angel)
late charges
банк. пени за просрочку (Alik-angel); штраф за просрочку (Alik-angel); пеня (Alik-angel)
юр., дог. пеня за просрочку платежа (Alik-angel)
late charge
: 23 фрази в 8 тематиках
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