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just causeнаголоси
заг. убедительный мотив; законность (напр., увольнения. ... his 12 years of employment as Rosedale's General Manager, the court concluded that Rosedale had not satisfied its burden of proving just cause of dismissal. | [t]he burden of proving just cause for the discharge of the employee generally rests upon the employer | Whether the trial court erred by instructing the jury that, under Michigan law, Allstate had the burden of proving just cause for terminating Turner – АД); виновные действия (dismissal of a worker rechnik); законность (напр., увольнения. ... his 12 years of employment as Rosedale's General Manager, the court concluded that Rosedale had not satisfied its burden of proving just cause of dismissal. | [t]he burden of proving just cause for the discharge of the employee generally rests upon the employer | Whether the trial court erred by instructing the jury that, under Michigan law, Allstate had the burden of proving just cause for terminating Turner Alexander Demidov); полное основание; полное право; справедливое основание (gennier); справедливое дело (Franka_LV); название операции по вводу войск США в Панаму (20 декабря 1989 - январь 1990)
бізн. судебное дело, имеющее основания
нотар. достаточное основание; законное основание
рідк. правое дело (Half of the Americans in our survey were willing to allow an unambiguous war crime–a massacre of innocent women and children–to go unpunished when the act was committed by soldiers fighting for a just cause.)
юр. должное основание (источник – clck.ru dimock)
just cause
: 16 фраз в 7 тематиках
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