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заг. Agent; Handelnde; Mittel; Vertreter; Wirkungsmittel; Kaufmann
ек. Handelsvertreter
мед. Agens
| business
заг. geschäftlich
| consumer
заг. Konsument
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іменник | скорочення | до фраз
agent ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] імен.
заг. Agent m; Handelnde m; Mittel n; Vertreter m (Bevollmächtigter einer Firma o. dgl.); Wirkungsmittel n; Akteur m; Spielerberater m; Prüfer m; Marktteilnehmer m; wirkendes Mittel; Substanz f; Stoff m
буд. Zusatzmittel n; Haupt... n; Hauptsparren m; Bundsparren m
військ. Kampfstoff m
ек. Handelsvertreter m (Vertreter); Repräsentant m; Bevollmächtigter n; Handlungsbeauftragter m; Zwischenhändler m; Makler m; Instrument n
ел., буд. Bauleiter m
зв’яз. Agent m (network management function, interface between mail system and user); Systemteil m (netw. management)
комп. Bot; Roboter m
комп., Майкр. Telefonist m (A person who works for a call center and signs in to an ACD system or who responds to calls routed to him or her by an IVR system. Formal agents may be signed in into UC throughout the day, and they may sign in and out of the ACD system during the day. They are fully aware of their role as an agent and want to be able to see the numbers of calls in the queues they are serving, and so on. Informal agents may not consider themselves as agents, and they don't sign in and out of the ACD system as agents. They do not monitor queue fill levels or other metrics); Agent m (A program that performs a background task for a user and reports to the user when the task is done or some expected event has taken place)
лінгв. Agentin n
мед. Agens n (wirksamer Stoff, wirksames Mittel)
невідкл.доп. Wirkstoff m
осв. Handlungsträger m
патент. Bevollmächtigte m (Bevollmächtigte); Beauftragte m
полігр. Vertreter m
с/г. Wirkstoff m (chemisch); Geschäftsvermittler m; Faktor m
тех. Auftragnehmer m; Disponent m; Organ n; Unterhändler m; Vermittler m; Agentur f
фін. Außenhandelsfinanzierung Korrespondenzbank
хім. Agens n; Agenz f; Arbeitsstoff m (workplace); Stoff m (Wirkstoff); Stoffe m (Wirkstoff)
юр. Erfüllungsgehilfe m; Beauftragter n; Ermittler m; Handlungsbevollmächtigter n (authorized)
юр., АВС Stellvertreter m (Vertreter); bei Euro-Konsortialkrediten Verwalter und Abwickler nach Unterzeichnung (bank)
юр., торг. Handelsagent m; Handlungsagent m; selbstständiger Handelsagent
IT Programm, das für den Menschen Informationen sucht, Transaktionen ausführt oder mit anderen Programms oder Menschen kommuniziert
agents імен.
заг. wirkende Mittel
authorised agent ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] імен.
брит. Bevollmächtigter n
agents імен.
юр., довк., хім. Arbeitsstoffe m
agent agt ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] імен.
заг. Kaufmann m (Kfm.)
authorized agent female ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] імен.
амер. Bevollmächtigte m
 Англійський тезаурус
agent ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] імен.
військ., абрев. agt
військ., логіст. In intelligence usage, one who is recruited, trained, controlled and employed to obtain and report information. (FRA)
кіно A person responsible for the professional business dealings of an actor, director, or other artist. An agent typically negotiates the contracts on behalf of the actor or director, and often has some part in selecting or recommending roles for their client.
США In intelligence usage, one who is authorized or instructed to obtain or to assist in obtaining information for intelligence or counterintelligence purposes (JP 2-01.2)
юр. someone who has authority to act for another; one who officially represents someone else
юр., абрев. agt.
AGENT ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] скор.
військ. advanced graphite experiments nosetip testing
agent business: 5 фраз в 1 тематиці