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STR скор.
абрев., банк. suspicious transaction reporting (Erba Fresca)
абрев., токсикол. sterigmatocystin (igisheva)
STR скор.
абрев. Section Township Range; Southern Tropical Region; Sustained Transfer Rate; suspicious transaction report (Alexander Matytsin); Season Ticket Renewal; Separation Transformation Reintegration; Short Tandem Repeat; Short Term Revitalization; Software Testing Regimens; Sony Tough Receiver; stack temperature rise (Millie); Standard Taxiway Routing; straight; strainer; stripping; structural; Stupid Troubled Rocker; Subject to Regularization (напр., о визе makhno); Sun Training Room; suspicious transaction (Alexander Matytsin); Synchronous Transmit Receive
абрев., IT Gate3 table structure file; Store Task Register
абрев., авіац. sustained turn rate; simulation test report; strength test report; search and tracking radar; sliding track; system technology radar; system trouble report; system test report
абрев., банк. travel (MichaelBurov)
абрев., бур. side tracked hole
абрев., бухг. substantive test risk
абрев., бізн. start; surface transport
абрев., біол. short terminal repeat
абрев., біот. sequence tandem repeat
абрев., бірж. Questar Corporation
абрев., військ. Software Test Report; Software Trouble Report; Strength; Surplus To Requirements
абрев., військ., ППО synchronous transmit/receive
абрев., ел. scanning total reflection method; self-tuning regulator; sidetone reduction; signaling terminal regional; soft terminal reset; speed-tolerant recording; state-and-time-dependent routing; status register; strobe; symbol timing recovery (subsystem); synchronous transfer region
абрев., електр. starting rheostat
абрев., залізнич. Shawnee Terminal Railway Company
абрев., землезн. staurolite; study tour report; subtropical ridge
абрев., ЗМІ Spot The Reference
абрев., комп., мереж. synchronous transmitter-receiver; synchronous transmitter/receiver
абрев., комп., мереж., IT Send Terminate Request
абрев., контр.як. service trouble report
абрев., косм. scanning TV radiometer; service trials report; short time rating; simple timing recovery; storage rack
абрев., мед. Slow-twitch Red (skeletal Muscle); Society Of Thoracic Radiology; Short Tandem Repeats; ST-resolution (harser); Soft Tissue Reshaping (ННатальЯ); Society of Therapeutic Radiologists; Stratford
абрев., мол.ген. simple tandem repeat (Игорь_2006)
абрев., мор. Stuttgart, Germany
абрев., нафт. special trade representative for negotiation; structure
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал. steer; street (e.g., street fitting)
абрев., прогр., IT Suspend To Ram
абрев., розшир.ф. Structure list object file (dBASE Application Generator)
абрев., спорт. short tandem repeat
абрев., т.м Smoke Tree Ranch
абрев., торг. special trade representative
абрев., фарм. single-tablet regimen (iwona)
абрев., фізіол., мед. Straight; Strain
абрев., хім. spot test reagent
абрев., шотл.вир. Sidetone Ranging modulation; Sonar Transmit / Receive; Standard Test Rack; Support Tournant sur Rail (Rail-mounted rotary mount (France)); Systems Technology Radar
абрев., юр. Stand To Reason
військ. scientific and technological research; scientific technical report; sea test range; sea transport regulations; search and track radar; service test review; sheltered tactical radio; Southern test range; standard training requirements; strategic training range; summary technical report; super transportable radar; synchronous transmitter receiver; system test review
енерг. shield test reactor; stirred-tank reactor
тех. special theory of relativity; startup transformer; stringer; submarine thermal reactor; symbol-timing recovery; synchronous transmit-receive
€STR скор.
фін. Euro Short-Term Rate ('More)
str скор.
абрев., бур. steamer; stroke
абрев., бізн. strike; strong
абрев., військ. strength STR
абрев., землезн. stratiformis
картогр. stripes
тех. steering (Technical)
IT store
Str скор.
абрев. strait; stream; strength
str. скор.
абрев. straight; string; steamer (Vosoni)
абрев., буд. stringer
Str скор.
абрев., бізн. St structural steel
str. скор.
абрев., землезн. stream
Str скор.
абрев., землезн. string
str. скор.
абрев., землезн. stroke
Str скор.
абрев., мед. Streptococcus
абрев., нафт. Strawn; Strunian
str. скор.
абрев., спорт. stretch
абрев., тех. stringers
Str. скор.
абрев. strength; strong; Strange's King's Bench Reports
абрев., землезн. strait