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SCL скор.
комп., Майкр. nivel de confianza de correo non-desexado (The normalized value that is assigned to an e-mail message. This value indicates, based on the characteristics of the message, such as the content, message header, and so forth, the likelihood that the message is spam. This value is persisted with the message when the message is sent to other Exchange servers)
 Англійський тезаурус
SCL скор.
абрев. Social Call Letter; Special Comprehensive License; Serum Cholesterol Level; Standard Conventional Load; System Control Language; Slickline collar locator (leaskmay); Systems Consultants Ltd.
абрев., IT Simple Class Library; Surpac Command Language
абрев., авто. static cornering light (translator911); steering column lock (translator911)
абрев., авіац. soliton compression laser; software configuration library; software control library; speed control logic; secondary coolant line; section chord line; spec change log
абрев., авіац., мед. soft contact lens
абрев., буд. Society of Construction Law (peuplier_8)
абрев., бізн. subcontract letter
абрев., бірж. Stepan Company
абрев., військ. SIDL Class List; Site Concurrence Letter; standard conventional load
абрев., військ., авіац. scale
абрев., ел. semiconductor laser; semi-custom logic; sequential control logic; serial clock line; serial communications loop; short cavity laser; simulation control language; soft control loading system; space-charge layer; space charge limited; spatially coherent light; supervisory control language; suppressed carrier loop; switching control layer; symmetric clipper
абрев., енерг. substation configuration language (ssn)
абрев., залізнич. CSX Transportation Incorporated
абрев., землезн. scaling factor
абрев., ЗМІ Star Crossed Lovers
абрев., комп., мереж. synchronous connectionless link
абрев., косм. secondary coolant loop; space charge-limited; space component lifetime
абрев., мед. Skin Conductance Level; Stromal Cell Line; Syndrome Checklist; serum copper level; symptom checklist
абрев., мультимед. serial clock
абрев., назв.комп. Shell Canada, Limited
абрев., напівпр. space charge layer
абрев., нафт. sonic caliper log
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал. Strategic Cost Leadership (SE cost reduction program)
абрев., онк., мед. Stem Cell Leukemia
абрев., полім. space-charge-limited
абрев., прогр. safety communication layer (ssn)
абрев., радіо space-charge-limited (triode)
абрев., розшир.ф. System Consultants
абрев., с/г. sandy clay loam
абрев., спорт. Seneca County League; Senior Classical League
абрев., фізіол., мед. Sclerosis; Straight Carapace Length
абрев., юр. Sebi And Corporate Laws
аероп., авіац. Santiago, Chile
військ. scrap classification list; shaped charge liner; Signal Corps laboratory; standard classification list; support coordination line; systems component list
метео. sky condition lower
тех. Schottky-coupled logic
фізіол., мед. Scleroderma
Scl скор.
абрев., нафт. sclerotinite
лат. Sculptor (Скульптор Vosoni)