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ліс. logistinen
заг. huolto
Echelons Above Division in | Europe
довк. Eurooppa
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(у деяких значень з тезауруса може не бути перекладів в двомовному словнику)

іменник | іменник | прикметник | до фраз
logistic [ləʊ'dʒɪstɪk, loʊ'-] імен.
ліс. logistinen
logistics [lə'ʤɪstɪks] імен.
заг. huolto
logistics [lə'ʤɪstɪks] прикм.
ек. logistiikka
 Англійський тезаурус
logistic [ləʊ'dʒɪstɪk, loʊ'-] скор.
абрев. log
абрев., військ. landing ship; light armored vehicle
logistics [lə'ʤɪstɪks] прикм.
військ., абрев. log; logs
військ., логіст. All activities aimed, under all circumstances, at: 1. providing the armed forces, at the proper time and place, with the adequate quantities and qualities of assets for them to live, combat and maneuver; 2. providing the personnel with medical care, whether for prevention or curative purposes; 3. ensuring the maintenance of equipment. Logistics covers the following areas: medical and health service support, manpower support, maintenance including ammunition supply, POL support, movement both transport and transit, infrastructure. FRA The science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces. In its most comprehensive sense, the aspects of military operations which deal with: 1. design and development, acquisition, storage, transport, distribution, maintenance, evacuation and disposition of materiel; 2. transport of personnel; 3. acquisition, construction, maintenance, operation and disposition of facilities; 4. acquisition or furnishing of services; and 5. medical and health service support. (UKR/NATO)
США Planning and executing the movement and support of forces (JP 4-0)
: 31 фраза в 6 тематиках
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