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EAs скор.
абрев., нафт. elastomeric alloys
EAS скор.
абрев., військ. European Activity Set (комплект техники для стандартной бронетанковой бригады нового образца армии США, предназначенный для европейского ТВД snowleopard)
абрев., мед. electroanatomical scar (iwona)
EA [ɪə] скор.
абрев. Each; East Anglia; Educational Assistant; Enterprise Architecture; Epreuve D Artiste.; Excused Absence; Expenditure Authorization; Visio for Enterprise Architects (MS, .NET); Address Field Extension (HDLC); East Africa; Economic Adviser; Educate America!; Edward Appleby; Egotistical Asses; Egotistical Assholes; Einsteins Asshole; Electronic Assholes; Elite Athlete; Emergency Action (s); Employment Authorization; Energy And Atmosphere; Enterprise Agreement (MS); Entertaining Assholes; Environmental Agency; Epistula Augustini; Escrowed Authenticator (Verschluesselung, EES); Espionage Act; Eudora, Arkansas; European Cooperation for Accreditation (ABelonogov); Evening Association; Evil Association; Exchange Act; Exclusive Authorization; Excruciating Assfuck; Executive Administration; Executive Agent; Exhaust Air; Expanded Academic; expectancy age; Extended Attribute (OS/2); Extreme Assassins; Extremely Amazing; Extremely Asshole
абрев., IT Effective Address; Erase All; Extended Address; effective address; extended attribute
абрев., бізн. each (aht)
абрев., біол. endemic areas
абрев., водопост. Endangerment Assessment (EPA)
абрев., військ. Economic Analyses; Electronic Attack; Emergency Actions; Engineering Analysis; Environmental Assessment; Evolutionary Acquisition; Electrical Actuator; enemy aircraft
абрев., військ., ЗМУ Economic Analysis
абрев., ел.тех. energy accounting
абрев., енерг. equivalent availability (MichaelBurov); equivalent availability coefficient (MichaelBurov)
абрев., комп., мереж. electrically alterable
абрев., мед. Endocardio Graphic Amplifier; Endocardiographic Amplifier; Endometriosis Association; Environment Agency (UK); Ethacrynic Acid
абрев., нафт. expected allowable
абрев., прогр. enterprise architecture (ssn)
абрев., с/г. exchange acidity
абрев., сист.безп. encryption algorithm
абрев., т.м Electronic Arts; Electronics Australia
абрев., фізіол., мед. Endometrial Ablation
абрев., хім., науков. Emulsion Aggregation; Epoxy Adhesive
абрев., шотл.вир. Elettronica Aster SpA (Italy); Engineering Authority
абрев., ЄБРР Europe Agreement (raf)
абрев., інт. Easily Amused
військ. Edgewood arsenal; educational adviser; electronic attack; electronics assembly; emergency area; enemy action; enemy area; energy absorption; engagement area; engineering aid; enlistment allowance; environmental analysis; environmental assessment; escort aircraft; executive assistant; experimental aircraft
енерг. energy analysis; environmental aspect; excess air; exclusion area
залізнич. electric street railway service car
тех. earphone amplifier; easy axis; editorial alteration; eikonal approximation; electrical artificer; electrocardiographic amplifier; electronic assembly; enforcement action; engineering assurance; equipment alignment; ethyl acetate; ethyl acrylate; experimental assembly; extender amplifier
Ea [ɪə] скор.
абрев., землезн. evapotranspiration
Ea. скор.
абрев. earth
ea [ɪə] імен.
логіст. each (штуки (в инвойсах в графе "ед. изм-я" ) Karabas)
EAS скор.
заг. equivalent airspeed
абрев. Electronic Article Surveillance; Emergency Alert System; Emergency Alerting System; Executive Administrative Staff; executive and administrative schedule; East Australian Standard-10:00; Elite Ant Squad; Enterprise Access System (Dynatech); Enterprise Agreement Subscription (MS, OSL); estimated air speed; European Atomic Society
абрев., IT Extended file attributes; Enterprise Application Solution
абрев., авто. electrically assisted steering (MichaelBurov); electronic air suspension (translator911); electric air switching; electrically controlled brake servo; electro assistant auxiliary steering; energy absorbing steering wheel
абрев., авіац. San Sebastian, Spain; Enroute Automation System; equivalent airspeed; engineering administration services; essential air service; extensive air shower; executive air service; elevator autopilot servo; engine air supply; engineering analysis system
абрев., вист., назв.орг. East Asia Summit
абрев., військ. Emergency Action System; Emergency Activation System; Enlisted Aviator Study; Equipment Accountability System; Emergency Avionics System
абрев., військ., авіац. Electronics and Aviation Systems
абрев., військ., ППО European Space Agency
абрев., ел. extended area service; electron absorption spectroscopy; emergency announcing system; end-around shift
абрев., ел.тех. electronic automatic switch
абрев., ел.торг. enterprise application server
абрев., землезн. Earth Aspect Sensor; East African Shilling; East Antarctic Shield; environmental assurance system; Estonian Academy of Sciences; extracted activated sludge
абрев., карате. estimated airspeed
абрев., косм. European Astronomical Society; espace aerien superieur
абрев., Макаров equivalent air speed
абрев., метео. Edinburgh Artery Study; Emergency Ambulance Service; Endarterectomized Aortic Segment; European Atherosclerosis Society; ectopic ACTH syndrome (Игорь_2006); endotoxin-activated serum; European Atomic Energy Society
абрев., назв.орг. European Aquaculture Society
абрев., науков. Experimental And Applied Science
абрев., нафт. electronic absorption spectroscopy; employment and suitability; exception analysis system
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал. earthworks cut and fill table
абрев., осв., науков. Experimental And Applied Sciences
абрев., пошт. Executive and Administrative Schedule (upper labor grade levels)
абрев., розшир.ф. East Australian Standard (+10:00); Extended file attributes (OS/2)
абрев., сист.безп. Electronic article surveillance (противокражные электронные системы Greezlee); electronic article system
абрев., тварин. Employment Assistance Scheme
абрев., трансп. Equivalent Airspeed
військ. enlisted assignment system; executive assignment system; expiration of active service
енерг. emergency alarm system; engineer assist software
тех. educational analog simulator; engineering automated system; error analysis study; essential auxiliary support; experiment assurance system