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CPL скор.
абрев. Canine Partners for Life; Certified Professional Landlord; Certified Professional Locksmith; Cleaning, Pressing, and Laundering; Combined Programming Language (DEC, PL/1); Commercial Pilot's License; common public license; current product line
абрев., IT Cambridge Programming Language; Collection Programming Language; Colour palette; Control panel extension; Current Privilege Level; Presentation; combined programming language; Compressed programming language; Central Program Library
абрев., авто. controlled parts list; cylinder pressure level
абрев., авіац. Commercial Pilot License (MichaelBurov); current flight plan (MichaelBurov); current flight plan message; commercial pilots license; couple; component parts list; central public library; center for process learning; component part list
абрев., астрофіз. Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (MichaelBurov)
абрев., бур. circulating pressure loss
абрев., бізн. certified products list
абрев., бірж. Carolina Power & Light Company
абрев., вет., мед. Cats Protection League
абрев., військ. Certified Parts List; Corporal
абрев., військ., авіац. CAD programming language
абрев., ел. conversational programming language; call programming language; circularly polarized light; coherently pumped laser; computer programming language; coplanar transmission line; critical path length
абрев., ел., науков. Capability performance, lower; Cyclic Poly Lactate
абрев., землезн. circularity polarized to the left
абрев., комп., мереж. current privilege level; cost per lead
абрев., косм. capillary pumped loop; common program language
абрев., мед. Caprine Placental Lactogen; Conditioned Pitch Level; Congenital Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia; Clinical Program Leader; α-ceruloplasmin; congenital pulmonary
абрев., мет. coil pickling line; coil preparation line; continuous pickling line; continuous processing line
абрев., нафт. Canadian Program Library; caprolactam; cement plaster; cemented perforated liner; centreline poly-lead; certified professional landman; combination production logging; continental part of the lithosphere
абрев., осв. Conforming Products List; County Parent Liaison
абрев., політ. Communist Party Of Latvia
абрев., прогр. current privilege level (ssn)
абрев., рекл. cost-per-lead (интернет-маркетинг Melted)
абрев., розшир.ф. CAST Programming Language; Computer Projects Limited; Windows Control Panel applet (CONTROL.EXE Vosoni); Colour palette (Corel); Control panel extension (Windows); Presentation (Compel)
абрев., спорт. Computer Players League; Cyberathlete Professional League; Cyberathlete Professionals League
абрев., страх. comprehensive personal liability policy
абрев., тех. Continuous Pressing Laminates (Rattenfдnger); control parts list; critical parts list
абрев., трансп. Commercial Pilot Licence; Current Flight Plan
абрев., фарма. clinical pathology laboratory (Игорь_2006); Clinical Pharmacokinetics Laboratory (Игорь_2006)
абрев., шотл.вир. Characters Per Line
військ. certified professional logistician; civilian personnel letter; contractor performance list; contractor procurement list; corps phase line
енерг. computer program library
тех. common programming language
Cpl скор.
абрев. a factor used during a proving run to adjust for pressure on the liquid in the prover and pipe; the correction for pressure on liquid; corporal
cpl скор.
абрев. Concrete Protective Liner (rom); coupler
біол. carpel
.cpl скор.
розшир.ф. Control Panel (file name extension)