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CCN скор.
абрев., авто. cab compartment node; contractual change notice
абрев., авіац. configuration change number; contract change negotiation
абрев., ел. calling card sub-address number; centralized computer network; closed communications network; communication control number; computer communications network
абрев., зв’яз. common communication network (gov.ua, europa.eu bojana)
абрев., мед. coronary care nursing
абрев., тварин. cere-cortical necrosis
CCNS скор.
абрев. Canonsburg Cecil And North Strabane; Crossing Cooperative Nursery School
абрев., мед. Cancer Care Nova Scotia
абрев., невр. Canadian Congress Of Neurological Sciences
абрев., тех. Computer Controlled Navigation System (starbreaker)
ccns скор.
мед. Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (oxana135)