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AGA ['ɑ:gə] скор.
абрев. Adjutant General Association of the US; Adjutant General of the Army; Advanced Graphics Architecture; Alignment Guide Assembly; American Gaming Association; American Gas Association; American Go Association; American Gymnastics Association; Army Game Administrators; Association of Government Accountants; Australian Garrison Artillery; Australian Grain Accumulation; U S Aggregates, Inc.
абрев., IT Advanced Graphics Adapter
абрев., авіац. aerodromes, air routes and ground aids; air to ground to air
абрев., бр.англ. Authorised Guarantee Agreement (irip)
абрев., військ. air-to-ground-to-air
абрев., ел. advanced global alignment; air-ground-air
абрев., мед. Accelerated Growth Area; Allergic Granulomatosis And Angiitis; American Gastroenterological Association; American Genetic Association; Acute Gravity Attack (fell Over); American Geriatrics Association; American Goiter Association; Appropriate For Gestational Age; appropriate for gestational age (соответствует гестационному возрасту Dimpassy); accelerated-growth area; antiglomerular antibody; revivator
абрев., назв.орг. Animal Production and Health Division
абрев., пласт.хір. androgenic alopecia
абрев., фізіол. Appropriate for Gestational Age
аероп. Agadir, Morocco
метео. airdromes, air routes and ground aids
тех. automatic gas analyzer
фізіол. Appropriate for gestational age
AGAS скор.
абрев., назв.орг. Livestock Production Systems Branch
AGA ['ɑ:gə] скор.
абрев. American Gold Association
абрев., гімн. Amateur Gymnastics Association
абрев., землезн. Association of Arab Geologists
абрев., нафт. accommodation general arrangement; adaptive genetic algorithm; Arab Geologists Association; as good as; Association of Geology of Argentina; N-acyl glutaminic acid
абрев., парашут. American Gliding Association
абрев., фарм. aceglutamide aluminium
: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці