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чуточка імен.наголоси
заг. ace; suspicion; ounce; relish; tittle; curn; driblet; toothful; nibble; scantling; tad; tithe; tiny bit; dram; dribblet; lick; pennyworth; tot; unce; a taste; a touch; dash (Дмитрий_Р); touch; taste; rap; touch of (чего-либо I. Havkin); dash (there is a romantic dash about it – в этом есть что-то романтическое); hair; wink; winking
амер. smidgen (I'll just have a smidgen of ice cream; a smidgen of dignity; Could you move just a smidge (=bit) to the left? Taras)
застар. a nail's breadth (Bobrovska)
книжн. whit
Макаров dreg; trace
перен. sliver (Abysslooker)
розм. mite; pennorth (upahill); spot
ірл.мов. smahan (Serguei_N7)
чуточку присл.
заг. just a smidge (just a smidge further to the left – чуточку левее ART Vancouver); a little; a tiny bit (a tiny bit better Technical); a button (Lana Falcon); a pin (Lana Falcon); a bit (Stas-Soleil); a wee bit (Anglophile); a little bit (Stas-Soleil); just a bit (kee46); bit; touch; marginally (A.Rezvov); fractionally (Abysslooker); a trifle (в сравнениях: Just a trifle more. Seven, not six. -- Чуточку больше -- не шесть, а семь. ART Vancouver)
брит. a wee bit (I'm a wee bit confused. Val_Ships)
образн. just a hair (напр., just a hair better Халеев)
розм. a tad (Юрий Гомон); a tiny scraping of (Technical); a skosh (Liv Bliss); a mite (He seemed a mite embarrassed Taras); just a bit; slightly (Abysslooker)
Gruzovik, розм. just a wee bit
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