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заг. tame down; manage; silence (Aly19); calm; quell; quieten; repress; cow; put down (восстание); subdue (Authorities in a Tacoma suburb had a rather bizarre encounter last weekend when they subdued a man armed with an AK-47 and a handgun who was preparing to go to war with 'lizard people' who had kidnapped President Trump's family. ART Vancouver); bring to heel (кого-либо Aly19)
Gruzovik calm (pf of усмирять); put down (pf of усмирять); quell (pf of усмирять); suppress (pf of усмирять); pacify (pf of усмирять); quiet (pf of усмирять)
Игорь Миг bring to heel
амер. harness (Val_Ships)
перен. rein in (the attempts to rein in the two rogue nations – Iran and North Korea  ART Vancouver)
розм. chasten (Age has chastened his violent temper. Val_Ships)
Gruzovik, перен. tame (pf of усмирять)
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заг. become obedient; become submissive; calm; pacify; quell; quiet down; quieten; suppress; put down
Gruzovik quiet down (pf of усмиряться); become submissive (pf of усмиряться); become obedient (pf of усмиряться)
перен. tame
: 12 фраз в 5 тематиках
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