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до фраз
стоять перед выборомнаголоси
заг. get to choose (q3mi4); face a choice (Ofelia); be caught between (You're caught between wanting to become involved in a new creative partnership and wanting to stare into space and do nothing. VLZ_58)
дип. be in a dilemma; face a dilemma
Макаров be confronted with a choice; be faced with a choice
образн. stand at the parting of the ways (Anglophile)
стоя перед выбором
розм. parting of the ways (We came to a parting of the ways because of our different ideas about what should be done to move the company forward. Val_Ships)
стоять перед выборами
Макаров face elections
стоять перед выбором
: 7 фраз в 5 тематиках
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