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отчёт о прибылях и убыткахнаголоси
заг. profit and loss statement; statement of earned surplus (Alexander Demidov); profit & loss account (mascot)
бухг. income statement; profit and loss account; earnings statement (teterevaann); income and expenditure account (accounting4management.com Alexander Matytsin)
бізн. operating statement; statement of earnings; statement of income; income and expense statement; profit and loss statement (UK – profit and loss account , ОПУ); profit and loss statement (UK – profit and loss account – ОПУ. An official quarterly or annual financial document published by a public company, showing earnings, expenses, and net profit. Net income is determined from this financial report by subtracting total expenses from total revenue. The profit and loss statement and the balance sheet are the two major financial reports that every public company publishes. The difference between this statement and the balance sheet deals with the periods of time that each one represents. The profit and loss statement shows transactions over a given period of time (usually quarterly or annually), whereas the balance sheet gives a snapshot holdings on a specific date. also called income statement or earnings report. Use this term in a sentence: " The company issued their profit and loss statement and it showed they had another successful quarter, with increased growth and profitability. " " You should try to keep a good profit and loss statement so that you know exactly where you stand at all times. " " Our profit and loss statement would ensure that we got what we were looking for and knew how we stood as a company. " Read more: investorwords.com Alexander Demidov)
ек. statement of profit and loss, or income statement; statement of assets and liabilities; statement of income and expenditures; profit-and-loss report; income statement (glenfoo); statement of income (glenfoo)
ек., амер. earnings report
ел. statement of profit and loss
комп., Майкр. P&L statement
МВФ statement of income and expenses; profit and loss statement
прогр. profit & loss statement (ssn)
США current operating performance statement (oVoD)
ЄБРР statement of earned surplus
інвест. P&L; income statement (statement of operations)
отчёт о прибыли и убытках
ек. income statement; operating statement; profit and loss account; profit and loss report
IT profit and loss statement
отчёты о прибылях и убытках
бухг. PLA (Profit and Loss Accounting Andrissimo)
отчёт о прибыли и убытках
: 56 фраз в 11 тематиках
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Європейський банк реконструкції та розвитку1
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