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заг. overeat; gorge; gormandize; stuff; surfeit; gluttonize; engorge; overfeed; make a pig of oneself; eat head off; load stomach with food; gorge a heavy meal; make a hog of oneself (Anglophile); be stuffed (Franka_LV); eat to excess; corrode; eat round; gnaw round; nibble; batten; cram; gourmandise (Andrey Truhachev); gourmandize (Andrey Truhachev); eat too much of (with instr. or gen.); gorge oneself on (чем-либо, тж. без "oneself" || To eat something eagerly and usually to excess; to stuff oneself with something.: I didn't mean to gorge myself on cake at the party—it was just so good! • Don't gorge yourself on the snacks. Dinner is in ten minutes. • A morbidly obese wild monkey who gorged himself on junk food and soda left behind by tourists has been rescued and placed on a strict diet ... thefreedictionary.com)
австрал., сленг guts
амер. binge on something (чем-либо; s in "to binge on junk food" Val_Ships)
Макаров eat one's head off; gorge oneself on something (чем-либо – also "gorge on something": Some of the best charcuterie comes from this area, where wild pigs have gorged themselves on the fallen chestnuts. • At 6pm, gorged myself on some rather fatty belly of pork. • Sofia watched the plates swap out before her as those around her gorged themselves on gourmet dishes she'd only seen on TV. yourdictionary.com); gorge on something (чем-либо – тж. gorge oneself on something – example provided by ART Vancouver: Gorging on the 2800 pumpkin flavoured things.); stuff down; stuff one's face (to eat a large amount of food); surfeit on
розм. binge (Sunny Slonik); overeat (oneself); sponge; eat someone out of house and home; stuff oneself; gorge on (*предлог обязателен*: The entire month of October. Driving around with no aim other than to look at all the glorious Halloween displays. Gorging on the 2800 pumpkin flavoured things. Watching classics at a drive-in movie with the perfect blanket.(nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
сленг squff; munch out (June-June)
Gruzovik, розм. overeat oneself (impf of объесться); stuff oneself (impf of объесться)
ідіом. stuff one's face with (Some people argue that if you tax fast food, maybe that'll stop people from stuffing their face with Big Macs. – перестанут объедаться ART Vancouver); feed one's face (тоже самое, что stuff one's face Commissioner)
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заг. eat around; nibble at; crop (листья); eat out of house and home; browse; corrode; gnaw round; nibble
Gruzovik gnaw round (impf of объесть); nibble (impf of объесть); corrode (impf of объесть); eat round (impf of объесть)
біол. crop (траву)
Макаров eat off (кого-либо); eat someone out of house and home (кого-либо); be a burden to (someone – кого-либо)
розм. sponge; eat someone out of house and home
с/г. bite off
Gruzovik, розм. sponge (impf of объесть); eat someone out of house and home (impf of объесть)
объедала дієсл.
розм. parasite
Gruzovik, розм. sponger (masc and fem)
объедающий дієприкм.
біол. ectophagous
: 12 фраз в 3 тематиках
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