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напыщенный прикм.наголоси
заг. pompous; bombastic; tumid; turgid (о стиле); inflated; declamatory; flatulent; florid; fluent (о словах и т. п.); fustian; heroic; important; melodramatic; mouthy; opulent (о стиле); orotund; portentous; rhapsodic; stilted (слог); theatrical; high falutin; high faluting; cockish; euphuistic (о стиле); grandiloquent (слог); high-blown; high-flying; mouth-filling; Ossianic; rhapsodical; tub-thumping (о речи); exaggerative (о стиле); magniloquent (слог); plethoric; sounding; bombast; exaggeratory (о стиле); luxuriant; overblown; pompous (о слоге); puffy; swelling; turgent (о стиле); pretentious (bookworm); high blown; high flown; high flying; mouth filling; scenic; scenical; top lofty; tub thumping; bloated; high-falutin; sonorous; sesquipedalian; on stilts; grand-sounding (scherfas); self-important (DC); consequential (VLZ_58); hammy; solemn; grandiose; affected (Within McCartney's extended web of Liverpool relations, there was an actor with a particularly affected way of talking Lily Snape); histrionic (Aly19); bladdered; bumptious; burly; conceited; elate; elatedly proud; high sounding; high swelling; inflated with pride; lifted up with pride; overproud; pampered with pride; tumorous; windy; highflown; bulled; puffed up (Nobody thinks it's cute when you're all puffed up like a peacock. VLZ_58); smug (goorun); puffed up (Nobody thinks it's cute when you're all puffed up like a peacock. VLZ_58); aureate (VLZ_58); stuffy (Inna Oslon)
Игорь Миг cocksure; braggadocio-laden; snazzy
австрал., сленг cockie; cocky
амер. pompous ass (what a pompous ass Val_Ships)
арх., розм. thundering
будд. magniloquent
дип. high-sounding; rhetorical
застар. embossed; bombastry; bumbard; bumbast; grandiloquous (слог); highblown
літ. euphuistical (о стиле)
Макаров baggy (о речи); on stilt; swollen
мед. plethorical
перен. turgent; turgid; bloated (Vadim Rouminsky)
розм. highfalutin; top-lofty; hifalutin; highfaluting; toplofty; braggy (Orwald); razzmatazz (VLZ_58); razzle-dazzle (VLZ_58)
рідк. stilty
сленг shi-shi (User); hoity-toity (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ірон. high-flown; pontificating (amorgen)
напыщенно присл.
заг. large; grandiloquently; grandiosely; sententiously; bombastically; turgidly (VLZ_58); pompously; plethorically; consequential; largely; theatrically; conceitedly
застар. magniloquently; tumidly
ритор. floridly (Alex_Odeychuk)
"напыщенно" прикм.
муз. enfatico
: 147 фраз в 17 тематиках
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