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заг. already (As if there aren't enough of those already! • Increasing climate variability and more frequent and severe extreme weather events impact agricultural productivity and add pressure to already fragile food and ecological systems. Marinade); enough already (Passengers should not now be expected to face another six years of even higher fares, they have been persecuted enough already. • Judge decides Iain Harrison was 'racked with remorse and guilt' over killing of mother and that he had suffered enough already. • As if they weren't smug enough already. 4uzhoj); enough as it is (Don't hurt them, cousin, they hate me enough as it is. • Our lives are crap enough as it is. • ...a weird contact-lens to make one of his irises milky-white – as if he wasn't scary-looking enough as it is. 4uzhoj); on top of everything else; on top of that; like one doesn't ... enough (4uzhoj); already ... enough (A very large percentage of Greenwood residents are working for very low wages. They require quick dependable transit to get to and from work. Their life is already difficult enough. So cancelling the popular B-Line route would negatively impact thousands of workers. – у них и без того трудная жизнь ART Vancouver); as it is (Abysslooker); as it was (in the past: The first weeks of parenthood were stressful and sad as it was – and then we found out our son was born with a hearing loss. – Первые недели нашей родительской жизни были и без того напряжёнными и грустными – и тут мы узнаём, что у нашего сына вдобавок ещё и тугоухость от рождения. ART Vancouver)
Макаров anyhow; on top of something
мат. even without that; in any case
и без того
: 45 фраз в 7 тематиках
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