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банальный прикм.наголоси
заг. banal; trite; beaten; hackneyed; humdrum; common; hack; platitudinarian; platitudinous; prosy; quotidian; trivial; cut and dry; ho-hum; percoct; rinky-dink; thrice-told; unoriginal; fade; sapless; shopworn; cliche'd; commons; stale; cliched; hacker; hackney; obvious; ordinary; vapid (Anglophile); threadbare (Aly19); thrice told; stock; boring; tedious; simplistic (Aslandado); commonplace; tame; cut and dried; humble (Dariyasha); bland (sea holly); lame (caffeine); splenditudinous (Cratos); garden-variety (You can use garden-variety to describe something you think is ordinary and not special in any way. [mainly AM] ❏ The experiment itself is garden-variety science. { in BRIT, usually use common-or-garden }. CCALD Alexander Demidov); nitty-gritty (ad_notam); pat (Ремедиос_П); corny (It may sound corny, but as soon as I saw her I knew she was the one.); bathetic (чрезмерно extremely commonplace or trite george serebryakov); oh-so-simple (Ufel Trabel); common place; hacky (vogeler)
Игорь Миг innocuous-looking
жарт. tritical
застар. hacknied
кіно syrupy (Syrupy scenes were to please the mass audience)
розм. bromidic; bromide; cheesy (Emilia M); run-in-the-mill (raveena2); on the tame side (DoctorKto); average-ass (Taras)
сленг ticky; corn; drippy; jazzy; mushy; for the birds; hokey; hoky; square
Игорь Миг, вогнетр. crude
ідіом. done to death (Баян)
банально присл.
заг. plainly (millatce)
Gruzovik banally; tritely
сленг corn; Golden Bantam
: 67 фраз в 11 тематиках
Журналістика термінологія2
Загальна лексика44
Засоби масової інформації2
Поезія термінологія1
Розмовна лексика2