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автономия воли стороннаголоси
юр. autonomy of the parties ('More); autonomy of the will of the parties (It is admitted that the principle of autonomy of the will of the parties is, at the present time, subject to considerable governmental control and regulation for reasons of social, economic and fiscal policy. un.org 'More)
юр., АВС party autonomy (What does Party Autonomy mean? In arbitration, the parties' freedom to determine, for example, the procedure to be followed by the tribunal and parties. Party autonomy is often cited as one of the distinct features and advantages of arbitration.: The party autonomy doctrine represents a very central component of international commerce. According to this doctrine, the parties to an international contract have the freedom to determine the applicable law to govern their dispute. lexisnexis.co.uk 'More)
автономия воли сторон
: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці
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