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буд. striker
комп., Майкр. rule
мед. beam
мист. ruler
пром. буд. slice
пром. буд. маш. lag
заг. rulers
зв’яз. IT rules
ох.здор. menses; period
| applicables
трансп. англ. applicable
| au titre de
 au titre de
юр. pursuant to
| l
тех. Length
| Arrangement
фін. workout arrangements
| de
землезн. Dec
| l
тех. Length
ек. OECD
| concernant
 concernant ...
заг. in relation to ...
| les
юр. adversely affected
| crédits à l'exportation
 crédit à l'exportation
ек. export credit
des n
- знайдено окремі слова

іменник | дієслово | прикметник | до фраз
règle f
буд. striker; rail (wood stuff)
землезн. scale
комп., Майкр. rule (In Operations Manager, an element in a management pack that defines the events and performance data to collect from computers, and what to do with the information after it is collected. A rule cannot set a health state); ruler (An on-screen scale marked off in inches or other units of measure and used to show line widths, tab settings, paragraph indents, and so on)
мед. beam; canon
мист. ruler
пром., буд. slice
пром., буд., маш. lag
турист. sight-ruler
хім. rule
règles f
зв’яз., IT rules
мед. catamenia; courses; emmenia; menstrual flux; menorrhea
ох.здор. menses; period
réglé f
с/г. regular
Règle f
астр. Norma
règles instruments de mesure f
заг. rulers measuring instruments
régler дієсл.
ел. to tweak
зв’яз. rule
землезн., ел. to tune
маш. adjust; bring into position; move into position; position; set
мист. arrange; regulate
трансп. to regulate; to smooth
règles дієсл.
заг. menstruation; periods
патент. rulers
régler question дієсл.
заг. to dispose of question; to deal with issue
Régler дієсл.
комп., Майкр. check out (To finalize a purchase on a Web site. For example, when customers shop on your Web site, they may select several items and save them in their shopping basket. When they have finished shopping, they click on a checkout link or graphical button that takes them to an online form where they enter their name, billing address, payment type, and shipping information)
régler problèmes дієсл.
фін., політ. to settle problems
réglé прикм.
хім. regulated; controlled
règles applicables au titre de l 'Arrangement de l'OCDE concernant les crédits à l'exportation des: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці