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заг. intend; brace up; band; band together; gather; assemble
| на
заг. on
| партийное
політ. party member
| совещание
заг. conference

дієслово | дієслово | до фраз
собраться дієсл.наголоси
собраться с мыслями; собраться с духом; собраться с силами; собраться в дорогу; собрать вещи; соберись!
заг. intend (to); brace up; band; band together; gather; assemble; prepare; collect oneself (не поддаваться чувствам: I know you're angry, so you need to collect yourself before you go in there and say something you'll regret to your boss. thefreedictionary.com); agglomerate; congregate; meet; convene; focus; forgather; muster; reunite; get around to (get around to doing something – собраться сделать что-либо; собраться осуществить намерение); get together; be going; be on the point of; pack bags; psych (чаще psych up); recollect (с мыслями, с духом и т.п.); compose oneself (выйти из растерянности q3mi4); pull up one's socks; collect one's gear (akimboesenko); be headed (Where are you headed? – Куда собрался (ехать)? ART Vancouver); shinny; summon up (с духом, с силами); refocus ("would help him refocus" – поможет ему собраться kiberline); crowd together; gird one's loins (КГА); make ready; resolve (to); accumulate; amass; convoke; decide (to); equip; fit (out); get ready (to); make gathers; pack (от 'pack one's things/belongings': Don't worry, I'll pack and leave. • I'll pack and go as soon as I possibly can.); pick; pleat; put together; round up; take in; mass; recollect oneself (внутренне Andrey Truhachev); aggregate; conglomerate; regain composure (Стерпев оскорбление, он успокоился, собрался и как ни в чем не бывало вышел на сцену. SirReal); get packed (собрать свои вещи и т.п. 4uzhoj); get settled (george serebryakov); be about; get ready (to); decide (to); resolve (to); accumulate (в контексте Рина Грант); get your act together (Дмитрий_Р); get one's act together (собрать себя в кулак: In the second half the home side got their act together and Tommy Bolger led the way when he scored in similar fashion to Lawlor, beating two defenders before slotting home in the 65th minute. 4uzhoj); gather together (We will gather together on the main deck for a meeting. • Let's all gather together this evening and sing.); collect (of dust, water, etc.); be gathering (of a storm); be in the offing; be about to; make up one’s mind (to); get one's things together; be up to (что-л. сделать)
Gruzovik summon one's courage, strength, etc (pf of собираться)
Игорь Миг set out
австрал., сленг get one's arse into gear
амер. nut up (Nut the fuck up! – Соберись, мать твою! Taras)
груб. get one's shit together (от get one's act together; помета "грубое выражение" относится к англ. фразе george serebryakov)
кінн.сп. self-collection; halt oneself
Макаров organize oneself; get oneself together; get your act together; hold a reunion; to re-collect (с мыслями, с духом и т. п.); start out; turn out
мед. get round to (wandervoegel)
мор. muster (then have all chiefs muster in the BMC in five minutes Val_Ships)
перен. summon (one's courage, strength, etc); poise (перед чем-либо, сделать что-либо и т. п.; to do something Vadim Rouminsky)
розм. place food (dishes on (the table) the table); prepare (food, drinks; food, drinks)
сленг knuckle down; pour it on (особенно, чтобы воспользоваться ошибками другого); psych oneself up; get one's stuff together (Interex); combobulate (humorous) To compose one's self); to compose, organize, design, or arrange; to reverse the effect of discombobulation.: ▼ After losing his train of thought, the teacher took a deep breath and attempted to combobulate himself. narcomike)
спорт. pull oneself together
ідіом. get one's act together (shergilov); get one's bearings (feel confident that you know what you should do next: It took her a minute to get her bearings. Abysslooker); dig deep (с силами sever_korrespondent)
собрать дієсл.
заг. clear away (мусор); draw in (силы); draw to a head; gather together; gather in (a harvest); receive; poll (votes); pick sth. up (информацию и т. п.); collect (books, taxes, signatures, etc.); recollect (силы); put together (механизм); compile; congregate; pack together; assemble (прибор, машину и т.п.); gather (people, firewood, information, etc.); whip up (аудиторию, деньги); take in (напр., какую-либо сумму денег); make ready; accumulate; equip; fit (out); make gathers; pack; pleat; round up; glean (по крупицам); mass; rally (в строй); reunite; save; pick up (информацию и т. п.); canvass; conglomerate; install (в знач. "установить"); draw (в одном месте Post Scriptum); fold (greenuniv); supply (Игорь Глазырин); prepare; bag; agglomerate; amass; fit up; pick (fruit); convene (в знач. "созвать" – собрание, заседание и т. п.); convoke; cull; focus; frame; lift; muster; raise; rake; scoop; summon; get together; muster up; rake together; recompose (что-либо разобранное); scoop up (в совок или иной контейнер, также ладонь и т. п.: He had a plastic bag in his pocket and he knelt down in the grass and scooped it up.); marshal together (Ремедиос_П); gather someone or something together (Gather every one together in the drawing room for a meeting. • Please gather together all the suspects so that they can be questioned again. • Would you gather all your papers together and put them away? • With the first anniversary of Russia’s attack on Ukraine rapidly approaching, Agence France-Presse has gathered together a series of statistics about the war so far.); compile (вместе: Author Jim Harold has been collecting real-life spooky tales for years. He has compiled them in his True Ghost Stories book series as well as explored them on his paranormal podcasts. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг scrape together (сумму)
амер. scare up (напр., что-н. поесть; e.g. scare up something to eat Anglophile)
військ. put together (например, винтовку; источник – Speak better Russian. A conversation manual. George Rubinstein; ссылка - yojik.eu dimock)
дерев. mount
комп. capture
комп., Майкр. assemble (To put together for sale or use an item composed of component parts)
Макаров line up; band together; bring together; gather in; gather up; put together
нафт.газ make up (andrushin)
патент. unite; associate
розм. get someone ready to go somewhere; collect (one’s thoughts); summon up (one's strength, courage, etc.)
тех. assemble; erect
Gruzovik, розм. prepare food/drinks (pf of собирать); place (food, dishes, etc on the table – на стол)
Gruzovik, швац. make gathers (pf of собирать); pleat (pf of собирать)
інт. attract (the video attracted 100 views – ролик собрал 100 просмотров grafleonov)
соберись! дієсл.
заг. get your shit together! (Dude67); suck it up, buttercup! (Marina Serzhan)
осв. brace yourself (brace yourself and get ready for an exciting year ahead! cemcem4ik)
розм. man up! especially in a difficsult situation (bitch_club); get your head straight on (Basically means calm down, don't panic, or focus. Usually said if you are normally good at something, but aren't able to do it well because your mind is preoccupied with something else, or you're just tired. VLZ_58); get your shit together (VLZ_58); get a hold of yourself (GuRiI)
сленг suck it in! (bmaryasha_); nut up (urbandictionary.com ParanoIDioteque)
Игорь Миг, розм. get yourself together; get a grip on yourself!
собравшиеся дієприкм.
заг. audience (I. Havkin); meeting (Vadim Rouminsky)
соберите дієсл.
вульг. kicking it
соберитесь дієсл.
заг. don't let your thoughts wander
"собраться" дієсл.
Макаров psych up (психологически подготовиться)
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