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до фраз
при первом удобном случаенаголоси
заг. at the earliest opportunity (Азери); at the next opportunity (Andrey Truhachev); at first convenience (mayay4ik); when occasion offers (Alex_Odeychuk); at the first convenient opportunity
бізн. at one's earliest convenience (Alexander Matytsin); as soon as reasonably practical (Alexander Matytsin); as soon as reasonably practicable (Alexander Matytsin)
дип. at first opportunity
ділов. at your earliest convenience (translator911)
кліше at a later opportunity (sankozh)
цит.афор. the first chance you get (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
юр. as promptly as practicable (Alexander Matytsin)
при первом удобном случае: 3 фрази в 1 тематиці
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