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заг. suffer; harmed; smart for; be the worse for wear; come to harm; pay
Макаров get hurt
| за
заг. for

іменник | дієслово | до фраз
пострадать імен.наголоси
заг. suffer damage; take flak (they also took flak ("они тоже пострадали" или "они тоже получили свою долю ущерба") chistochel)
амер. take the fall (за кого-либо; She's taken the fall for you in terms of any political damages Val_Ships)
перен. take a blow (Ремедиос_П)
ідіом. get the short end of the stick (VLZ_58)
пострадать дієсл.
заг. suffer (за что-либо); harmed; smart for (за что-либо); be the worse for wear (от чего-либо); come to harm; pay (за что-либо); pine (for); long (for); miss; be subjected (to); be injured (One man was killed and others were injured in a crash on Route 70 in Lancaster. 4uzhoj); be the worse for wear (от чего-либо); be compromised (If the struts of two units do not match up, the integrity of the structure may be compromised. I. Havkin); be affected (Баян); be injured; be damaged; be hurt (Часто физически, но может быть и в психологическом плане. TranslationHelp); take a dent (The company's profits took a dent after the recall of their flagship product. vogeler)
Gruzovik suffer for a while
ЗМІ be the victim (of – от: Have you been the victim of debit or credit-card fraud? ART Vancouver)
Макаров get hurt; suffer from; take a beating (о репутации, кредитоспособности и т. п.); take the knock
перен. be impaired (ухудшиться igisheva); be compromise (ухудшиться igisheva); be compromised (ухудшиться igisheva); get hurt ("Absentee landlords are a scourge on Burnaby. They don't take care of their properties. They don't deal with complaints. To them, the property is a cash register and it doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process." – кто при этом может пострадать burnabynow.com ART Vancouver)
розм. be poor; be weak
рідк. harm
ідіом. take a beating (about someone's reputation, credibility, etc.: Premier's credibility took a beating last week after more wiretap revelations. ART Vancouver)
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