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временная нетрудоспособностьнаголоси
заг. temporary incapacity for work (AD ABelonogov); temporary incapacity to work (Temporary Incapacity to Work. The Executive shall notify the Company without delay of every instance of the temporary incapacity to work and its probable duration. On request, the reasons for the temporary inability to work must be indicated. If the Executive is unable to work on account of the temporary incapacity to work due to illness for which he is not responsible, then the Company shall continue to pay his remuneration for a period of 3 (three) months. Alexander Demidov); short-term disability (Short-term disability insurance (SDI) and temporary disability insurance (TDI) are programs that give employees some compensation when they have to take time off work for injuries, illnesses, or disabilities (including pregnancy). kriemhild); temporary inability to work (тж. temporary incapacity to work: Temporary Incapacity to Work. The Executive shall notify the Company without delay of every instance of the temporary incapacity to work and its probable duration. On request, the reasons for the temporary inability to work must be indicated. If the Executive is unable to work on account of the temporary incapacity to work due to illness for which he is not responsible, then the Company shall continue to pay his remuneration for a period of 3 (three) months. 'More)
бухг. temporary disability
бізн. temporary disablement
ек. temporary invalidity
зайн. temporary incapacity
мед. temporary director
мед., труд.пр. reversible disability ('More)
юр. temporary incapacity to labour
 Російський тезаурус
временная нетрудоспособность
заг. временная утрата трудоспособности, а также возможности выполнять работу напр., при карантине, при уходе за заболевшим членом семьи. В России при временной нетрудоспособности рабочие и служащие освобождаются от работы и обеспечиваются пособиями за счёт средств государственного социального страхования. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
временная нетрудоспособность
: 48 фраз в 14 тематиках
Британський вираз не написання1
Бухгалтерський облік крім аудиту1
Загальна лексика11
Нафта і газ2
Нотаріальна практика1
Охорона праці та техніка безпеки3
Сахалін Р1
Трудове право10
Юридична лексика5