
   Англійська Шведська
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заг. anfall
| Breaker
землезн. brytande våg
мет. sträckprofil; ämningsprofil
пром. буд. strängöppnare
пром. буд. хім. filterskiva
тех. пром. буд. uppslagningsholländare; slagmaskin

до фраз
assault [ə'sɔ:lt] імен.
заг. ànfall
прав.люд. attáck
 Англійський тезаурус
assault [ə'sɔ:lt] імен.
військ., абрев. aslt
військ., логіст. The climax of an attack; closing with the enemy in hand-to-hand fighting. 2. A short, violent, but well-ordered attack against a local objective such as a gun emplacement, a fort or a machine-gun nest. UKR/NATO 3. Final bound of the attack aiming at bursting into the enemy’s position and at the collision in the close-quarters combat pertains to small units. (FRA)
США In an amphibious operation, the period of time between the arrival of the major assault forces of the amphibious task force in the objective area and the accomplishment of the amphibious task force mission (JP 3-02) див. також assault phase; To make a short, violent, but well-ordered attack against a local objective, such as a gun emplacement, a fort, or a machine gun nest (JP 3-18) див. також assault phase; A phase of an airborne operation beginning with delivery by air of the assault echelon of the force into the objective area and extending through attack of assault objectives and consolidation of the initial airhead (JP 3-18) див. також assault phase
юр. when someone tries or threatens to do violence or harm to someone else; When someone tries or threatens to hurt someone else. Can include violence, but is not battery.
ASSAULT [ə'sɔ:lt] скор.
абрев., військ. Automated Support System for Army Unit Logistics Training
: 19 фраз в 7 тематиках
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Кримінальне право1
Права людини і правозахисна діяльність2
Юридична лексика10