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.tga присл.
комп., Майкр. TGA (The file name extension of a file in TGA file format)
 Англійський тезаурус
TGA скор.
абрев., авіац. turbine gearbox assembly
абрев., ел. thermal gas analysis; thermal gravity analyzer; thermogravimetric oxidative weight gain analysis
абрев., назв.орг. Tropical Growers' Association
.tga присл.
розшир.ф. Targa Bitmap (file name extension)
TGA скор.
абрев. The Great Alliance
абрев., IT Text Graphic Adapter; Truevision Targa format Bitmap graphics
абрев., автомат. True Geometric Accuracy (Katejkin)
абрев., військ. The Genuine Article
абрев., ел. thermogravimetric analy-sis
абрев., землезн. thermogravimetric analyzer
абрев., комп., Майкр. .tga (The file name extension of a file in TGA file format)
абрев., лаб. TransGlutaminase Antibody
абрев., мед. Therapeutic Goods Administration; Tumor Glycoprotein Assay; Therapeutic Goods Act (Пахно Е.А.); transposition of the great arteries
абрев., науков. Thermal Gravimetrical Analysis
абрев., нафт. true gelled acid; Texas Gas Association; thioglycollic acid
абрев., нафт.газ., карач. Technical Group of the Authority (thisiscrazy)
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал. toxic gas alarm
абрев., ООН Truevision Graphics Array
абрев., полім. thermogravimetric analysis
абрев., розшир.ф. Graphic format (TrueVision Targa Vosoni)
абрев., т.м Therapeutic Goods Association
абрев., трансп. Trans Global Airlines
абрев., фізіол. Transposition of the Great Arteries
абрев., фізіол., мед. Take Good Advice; Transient Global Amnesia
військ. Target Analysis
енерг. trading grid administrator
тех. thermal gravimetric analysis; trace gas analyzer