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охватить все детали, мелочиcover all the bases (maranta_poltava)
охватить одним взглядомtake a bird's eye view (ситуацию, имеющиеся факты: Former North Vancouver RCMP Const. David Morris, however, testified Colwell's statement at the scene did confirm the green Corolla belonged to him. (...) "Really the strongest evidence that places Mr. Colwell as the door opener, I would suggest, is the vehicle itself," he said. "When one takes a step back and takes a bird's eye view of this case, and reviews the evidence in its totality, I suggest that there isn't a reasonable explanation or an alternative person opening that car door." nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
охватить со скоростью лесного пожараspread like wildfire (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)