
Терміни за тематикою Майкрософт що містять filter | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
filter areasuysuna maykama kasqan (The part of PivotTable or PivotChart view that contains filter fields)
Filter By Formsusuy kamakuqwan (A technique for filtering data that uses a version of the current form or datasheet with empty fields in which you can type the values you want the filtered records to contain)
Filter By Selectionsusuy akllariywan (A technique for filtering records in a form, datasheet, or data access page in which you retrieve only records that contain the selected value)
Filter Excluding SelectionAkllasqa karunchanapaq suysuy (A technique in which you filter records in a form, datasheet, or data access page to retrieve only those records that don't contain the selected value)
filter fieldsuysuna kasqan (A field in the filter area that you can use to filter data displayed in PivotTable or PivotChart view. Filter fields perform the same functions as page fields in Microsoft Excel PivotTable reports)
graphic filtersiqisiqi suysu (A program that transforms a picture stored in one file format to another format so that it can be displayed in a specific graphics program)
group filter controlhuñusqapa suysunanpa control (A drop-down list box control on a data access page that retrieves records from an underlying recordset based on the value you select from the list. On a grouped page, the control retrieves a specific group of records)
key filterchumakuq kichana (A metadata column or field in a Key Filters control)
Phishing Filter A filter that helps to identify fraudulent Web sites and protect against personal data thefthukpa sutiwan yaykuq (phishing)
search filtermaskanapaq suysuna (A term that can be added to a search to filter the results by a specific property (for example, by author). Relevant search filters appear under the search box in any open folder)