
Терміни за тематикою Юридична лексика що містять судебная коллегия | усі форми | лише в заданій формі | лише у вказаному порядку
Американская коллегия судебных юристовAmerican College of Trial Lawyers (Founded in 1950, the College is composed of the best of the trial lawyer bar from the US and Canada. Fellowship in the College is extended by invitation only and only after careful investigation, to those experienced trial lawyers who have mastered the art of advocacy and whose professional careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct, professionalism, civility and collegiality. Lawyers must have a minimum of 15 years trial experience before they can be considered for Fellowship. Leonid Dzhepko)
Английская судебная коллегияEnglish Bar (Norton)
апелляционная судебная коллегия по гражданским и административным деламcivil & administrative appellate division (Incognita)
кассационная судебная коллегия по гражданским и административным деламcivil & administrative cassation division (Incognita)
постановление апелляционной судебной коллегииbylaw of the appellate judicial board (LenaSH)
судебная коллегияcourt board (Technical)
судебная коллегияjudicial body (состав суда, рассматривающий конкретное дело Andrey Truhachev)
судебная коллегияhearing panel (ilghiz)
судебная коллегияjudicial panel (A judicial panel is a set of judges who sit together to hear a cause of action, most frequently an appeal from a ruling of a trial court judge. Panels are used in contrast to single-judge appeals, and en banc hearings, which involves all of the judges of that court. Most national supreme courts sit as panels. wikipedia.org DC)
судебная коллегияjudicial division
Судебная коллегия по административным деламJudicial Chamber on Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (согласно оф. сайту – supcourt.ru aldrignedigen)
Судебная коллегия по делам военнослужащихJudicial Chamber on Cases of the Military of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (согласно оф. сайту – supcourt.ru aldrignedigen)
судебная коллегия по уголовным деламJudicial Chamber on Criminal Cases (применительно к РФ, см. supcourt.ru kurzova)
судебная коллегия по уголовным деламcriminal bench (Colonel Crowder having been a member of the civil bench and the other three gentlemen members of the criminal bench of the court , Judge Young being the president ... ... and also redesignated one of the existing Benches, with the result that today there are five judges on the Constitution Bench, three on the Criminal Bench, ... Applications for the Criminal Bench are currently open in Lancashire and close at the end of May, with interviews taking place in June and July. Alexander Demidov)
судебная коллегия по уголовным деламjudicial division for criminal cases
Судебная коллегия по экономическим спорамChamber for Commercial Disputes of the Supreme Court of Russian Federation (Lord Denning)
Судебная коллегия по экономическим спорамJudicial Chamber on Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (согласно оф. сайту – supcourt.ru aldrignedigen)
судебная коллегия присяжныхtrial jury
член судебной коллегииAssociate Justice (Associate justice or associate judge (or simply associate) is a judicial panel member who is not the chief justice in some jurisdictions. wikipedia.org LadaP)
член судебной коллегииassociate judge (Andrey Truhachev)