
Терміни за тематикою Сарказм що містять nice | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
it doesn't feel very nice eh?что, не нравится? (Touche Mayor Hurley. When you and your council scythed through 50 year old zoning bylaws and thus trashed R1 zones, you called your resident citizens obstructive. Your planners asked what right do single family dwelling owners have to live on a city lot? Well, the shoe is on the other foot now. YOU are being pushed around by a government entity that arbitrarily rides rough shod over your little plans. It doesn't feel very nice eh? Well eat it up. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
nice of you to remember thatвот именно (конт. / –Тебе с ним жить. –Вот именно. – "You're the one who's going to live with him." "Nice of you to remember that." – MBerdy.2016)
nice talkклассно поболтали (urbandictionary.com Shabe)
that was nice!молодец! (That was nice! That woman just cut me off when I was crossing with the stroller. Lazy bastard. ART Vancouver)