
Терміни за тематикою Загальна лексика що містять cheek | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
a scar runs across his cheekу него шрам во всю щеку
a scar runs across his left cheekчерез всю его левую щёку проходит шрам
a tear stole down her cheekпо её щеке медленно скатилась слеза
apple cheekedщёчки как яблочки
apple cheekedсвеженький
apple cheekedрозовощёкий
apple-cheekedсвеженький (о ребёнке, девушке)
apple-cheekedщёчки как яблочки
barefaced cheekнеприкрытая наглость (implies a blatant disregard for social norms or expectations: The actress' barefaced cheek in demanding special treatment was met with disgust Taras)
be living cheek by jowlжить бок о бок (with ... – с ... Alex_Odeychuk)
block cheekспорт foot/leadблок палубный
cheek boneчелюсть
cheek by jowlщека (у амбразуры)
cheek by jowlплечом к плечу (обыкн. идти, ехать, сидеть и пр.)
cheek by jowlстанина (лафетная)
cheek by jowlрядом
cheek by jowlкосяк
cheek by jowlстойка
cheek by jowlбок
cheek by jowlланита
cheek by jowlблизкий
cheek by jowlс глазу на глаз
cheek by jowlнаедине
cheek by jowlинтимный
cheek by jowlвпритык (тесно denghu)
cheek by jowlинтимно
cheek by jowlзапросто
cheek by jowlбок о бок
cheek of a pulleyщека блока
cheek plateанкерная плита
cheek strapщёчная лямка (В. Бузаков)
cheek to jowlрядом (side by side; close together. The pedestrians had to walk cheek by jowl along the narrow streets. The two families lived cheek by jowl in one house. КГА)
cheek to jowlбок о бок (КГА)
cheeked blubтолстощёкий
cheeks touched with rougeподрумяненные щеки
cherry cheekedкраснощёкий
complain to someone tongue in cheekв шутку пожаловаться (I complained to a member of staff tongue in cheek that I should not have to pay full price, and was amazed when she offered a discount of 5%. ART Vancouver)
cool cheekнахальство
double cheek kissцелую в обе щеки (завершающая фраза из переписки Andy)
downright cheekнеприкрытая наглость (a British idiom to convey impudence and insolence: He had the downright cheek to ask for a raise after making a huge mistake Taras)
fat cheeksпухлые щёки
flex one's cheek musclesиграть желваками (Рина Грант)
give a kiss on the cheekпоцеловать в щеку
give someone a peck on the cheekчмокнуть в щёку
give a peck on the cheekпоцеловать в щёку (Moscowtran)
give cheekдерзить
give cheekогрызаться
give cheekгрубить
Golden-cheeked gibbonжелтощёкий хохлатый гиббон (wikipedia.org time_bandit)
hack cheek in shavingпорезать себе щеку во время бритья
has she really the cheek to ask for more money?неужели у неё хватило нахальства просить ещё денег?
have a cheekиметь наглость
have a cheekохаметь
have a cheekобнаглеть (you've got a cheek! – ну ты обнаглел! Рина Грант)
have a cheekприборзеть
have a cheekраспоясаться
have a cheekсесть на голову
have a cheekоборзеть (you've got a cheek! – ну ты оборзел! Рина Грант)
have the cheek toиметь нахальство
have the cheek to doиметь наглость сделать (что-либо)
have the cheek to do somethingиметь наглость сделать что-либо
have the cheek to sayиметь наглость сказать (что-либо)
have tongue in cheekговорить лукаво
have tongue in cheekговорить неискренне
have tongue in cheekговорить насмешливо
have tongue in cheekговорить иронически
he cheeked meон мне надерзил
he gave her a peck on the cheekон чмокнул её в щёку
he gave her a pinch on the cheekон ущипнул её за щёку
he gave her a resounding kiss on the cheekон чмокнул её в щёку
he had severe abrasions to his right cheekу него были большие ссадины на правой щеке
he had the cheek to comeон имел наглость прийти
he had the cheek to say ...у него хватило наглости сказать
he had the cheek to say ...у него хватило сказать
he rubbed his hand over his cheekон потёр щёку рукой
he rubbed his hand over his cheekон потёр щеку рукой
he speaks with tongue in cheekон вас дурачит
he speaks with tongue in cheekего слова нельзя принимать всерьёз
he spoke with his tongue in his cheekон говорил со скрытой иронией
her cheek is swollenей щёку разнесло
his aunt planted a wet kiss on his cheekтётя запечатлела на его щеке влажный поцелуй
his cheek is puffed upу него раздуло щёку
his cheek is swollenу него щека распухла
his cheek is swollenщека у него раздулась
his cheek is swollenу него вздуло щёку
his cheek is swollenу него раздуло щёку
his cheek muscles were flexingу него желваки на скулах заходили (VLZ_58)
his cheek tingled from the slapего щека горела от пощёчины
hollow cheekсо впалыми щеками
hollow cheekedсо впалыми щеками
hollow-cheekedвпалощекий (Sergei Aprelikov)
hollow-cheekedсо впалыми щеками
I'll have none of your cheekя не потерплю такого нахальства
in a tongue-in-cheek wayшутливо (I went to see him and, sure enough, he had a folder in his file draw that he had actually marked Werewolf, in a tongue-in-cheek way. People had been phoning in to him to say that they had seen something. They didn’t know what it was. But from their descriptions, that’s what he had put. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
kiss her on the cheekпоцеловать её в щёчку (Alex_Odeychuk)
kiss sb on the cheekпоцеловать кого-то в щёку (z484z)
kiss on the cheekпоцелуй в щёку (oVoD)
lay one's cheek one's head, etc. openрассечь щёку (и т.д.)
lean one's cheek on one's handподпереть щёку кулачком
lean one's cheek on one's handподпереть щёку рукой
less of your cheek!не хамите! (andrew_egroups)
live cheek by jowlжить бок о бок (с кем-либо Rust71)
logo cheek by jowl with oneбыть в товарищеских отношениях с (кем-л.)
my cheek is swollenу меня щёку разнесло
offer cheekподставлять щёку
offer one's cheekподставлять щёку
offer cheekподставить щёку
offer the other cheekподставлять левую щёку (Luke 6:29; Matthew 5:39 bible.cc Alexander Demidov)
one's own cheekвсё для себя одного
own cheekдля себя одного
own cheekв свой карман
peck someone on the cheekчмокнуть в щёку (She pecked him on the cheek. Дмитрий_Р)
piper's cheeksщекастый (о человеке ssn)
plump pink cheeksтолстые розовые щёки
print a kiss upon smb.'s cheekзапечатлеть поцелуй на чьей-л. щеке
put one's tongue in one's cheekговорить неискренне, недоговаривать (Dim)
put one's tongue in one's cheekговорить с насмешкой, иронически (Dim)
red cheeksрумяные щёки
rose cheekedкраснощёкий
rose cheekedс розовыми щеками
rosy cheekкраснощёкий
rosy-cheekedрозовощёкий (Sergei Aprelikov)
rosy cheekedс румяными щеками
say something with one s tongue in one s cheekговорить иронически, с насмешкой (Dim)
say with one's tongue in one's cheekговорить одно, думать другое (Anglophile)
she brushed the child's cheek with her fingersона потрепала ребёнка по щеке
she caressed the boy's cheekона потрепала мальчика по щеке
she caressed the boy's cheekона погладила мальчика по щеке
she has roses in her cheeksрумянец играет на её щеках
sign the cheekпоцеловать в щёку (Moscowtran)
slaver cheekобмусолить чью-либо щеку (при поцелуе)
slaver cheekобслюнявить чью-либо щеку (при поцелуе)
smooth-cheekedчисто выбритый (s290691)
speak with one's tongue in one's cheekнедоговаривать (Dim)
speak with one's tongue in one's cheekговорить иронически (Dim)
speak with one's tongue in one's cheekговорить неискренне (Dim)
speak with one's tongue in one's cheekговорить с насмешкой (Dim)
stand cheek to cheekстоять щека к щеке (Technical)
sunken cheeksвпалые щёки
talk with one's tongue in one's cheekговорить одно, думать другое (Anglophile)
the bullet grazed his cheekпуля оцарапала ему щёку
the cheek!какая наглость!
the Cheek by Jowl theatre companyтеатральная труппа "Чик бай джоул" (в Великобритании)
the other cheekлевая щека (Alexander Demidov)
there are boys at every school who are never so elated as when they have cheeked the masterв каждой школе есть ребята, которым доставляет особую радость надерзить учителю
there! Feel my cheek!вот, потрогай мою щёку!
tongue in cheekв шутку
tongue in cheekнесерьёзно
tongue in cheekиронически
tongue in cheekдурачась
tongue-in-cheekполушутя, полувсерьёз (If you say something tongue in cheek, you intend it to be understood as a joke, although you might appear to be serious: "He said that he was a huge fan of the president, although I suspect it was tongue in cheek." (Cambridge Dictionary): People have always said that there is something otherworldly about Elon Musk and now he has come out and confirmed it... well, sort of. Speaking via webcam during an interview at Europe's Viva Tech event this week, Musk was quick to offer a tongue-in-cheek reply when the host quipped: "Some people believe you are an alien." "I am an alien," Musk replied. "You are? Now you are uncovered," the host replied. "Yes, I tell people I'm an alien but nobody believes me," Musk confirmed. (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver)
tongue-in-cheekироничный (VLZ_58)
tongue-in-cheekне всерьёз (I was simply making a tongue-in-cheek remark when I said that. – Well, she thought you were serious. 4uzhoj)
tongue-in-cheekиздевательский (поострожнее с этим вариантом перевода ART Vancouver)
tongue-in-cheekшуточный (e.g., a tongue-in-cheek illustration / explanation / remark, etc. 4uzhoj)
tongue-in-cheekсказанный в шутку (A remark intended as a tongue in cheek joke I'm sure, but probably not far from the truth. • Ann made a tongue-in-cheek remark to John, and he got mad because he thought she was serious. 4uzhoj)
tongue-in-cheekюмористический (The magazine published a wonderful tongue-in-cheek review of his latest work. 4uzhoj)
tongue-in-cheekиронически (Andrey Truhachev)
tongue-in-cheekне без иронии (VLZ_58)
turn the other cheekне противиться злу
turn the other cheekне отвечать обидчику
turn the other cheekподставлять другую щёку
turn the other cheekзанимать непротивленческую позицию
tweak on the cheek / someone's cheekтрепать по щеке (Anna 2)
what a cheek!какая дерзость!
what cool cheek!какое нахальство!
with high cheek-bonesширокоскулый
with tongue in cheekдурачась
with tongue in cheekнесерьёзно
with tongue in cheekсо скрытой иронией (Anglophile)