
Терміни що містять полная оплата акции | усі форми | лише у вказаному порядку
банк.полная оплата акцииpayment in full of share
фін.сделка с полной оплатой акциямиall-paper deal (The terms all-stock deal and all-paper deal are often used in reference to mergers and acquisitions. In this type of acquisition, shareholders of the target company receive shares in the acquiring company as payment, rather than cash. aldrignedigen)
фін.сделка с полной оплатой акциямиall-share acquisition (London Stock Exchange Group plc confirms that, subject to completion of its all-share acquisition of Refinitiv occurring on 29 January. 'More)
фін.сделка с полной оплатой акциямиall-share deal ('More)
фін.сделка с полной оплатой акциямиall-stock deal (The terms all-stock deal and all-paper deal are often used in reference to mergers and acquisitions. In this type of acquisition, shareholders of the target company receive shares in the acquiring company as payment, rather than cash. aldrignedigen)