
Терміни за тематикою Ідіоматичний вираз, фразеологізм що містять things | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
a hundred and one things to doхлопот полон рот
all things consideredс учётом всех "за" и "против" (Баян)
all things consideredучитывая все "за" и "против" (Баян)
be all things to all menстараться угодить всем и каждому (Anglophile)
blow things out of proportionраздувать кадило (Поднимать шум, устраивать скандал вокруг какого-либо дела, поступка. – Разгласят о твоём поступке повсюду, узнают о нём в завкоме, в многотиражке, гляди, пропечатают… – Всё Нечипорук будет кадило раздувать (А. Караваева. Разбег). VLZ_58)
blow things out of proportionделать из мухи слона (ART Vancouver)
bring things levelсровнять с землёй (Beforeyouaccuseme)
bring things levelстереть с лица земли (Beforeyouaccuseme)
call things as they areназывать вещи своими именами (Andrey Truhachev)
clear things upрасставить по своим местам (VLZ_58)
combine things that don't mixсочетать несочетаемое (Logofreak)
cover things upспрятать концы в воду (ART Vancouver)
do things in a big wayне размениваться на мелочи (Andrey Truhachev)
do things in a big wayделать дела с размахом (Andrey Truhachev)
do things in a big wayрешать дела по-крупному (Andrey Truhachev)
do things in a big wayне размениваться по мелочам (Andrey Truhachev)
don't let things get you downне падай духом
don't let things get you downне унывай
get things doneразделаться с делами (Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done Andrey Truhachev)
get things doneзавершить все дела (Andrey Truhachev)
get things doneуправиться с делами (Andrey Truhachev)
get things doneсделать всё дела (Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done)
get things doneзакончить всё дела (Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done)
get things doneпокончить с делами (Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done Andrey Truhachev)
get things off one's chestвыговориться (Elena_MKK)
get things off one's chestоблегчить душу (Elena_MKK)
get things off one's chestвыпустить пар (Elena_MKK)
get things off the groundзапустить проект (Because of the painstakingly complex and "restrictive" process, the Vancouver-based sports and entertainment company is forced to take business south. "In the States, it's so much more streamlined and they want you to do these things," says Weston. "For us to be successful, to get things off the ground, sadly we've got to go elsewhere." vancouverisawesome.com ART Vancouver)
get things off the groundзапустить проект (Because of the painstakingly complex and "restrictive" process, the Vancouver-based sports and entertainment company is forced to take business south. "In the States, it's so much more streamlined and they want you to do these things," says Weston. "For us to be successful, to get things off the ground, sadly we've got to go elsewhere." (vancouverisawesome.com)  ART Vancouver)
get things off the groundпривести в действие (Because of the painstakingly complex and "restrictive" process, the Vancouver-based sports and entertainment company is forced to take business south. "In the States, it's so much more streamlined and they want you to do these things," says Weston. "For us to be successful, to get things off the ground, sadly we've got to go elsewhere." vancouverisawesome.com ART Vancouver)
good things come in small packsхорошего понемножку (Vadim Rouminsky)
Good things never last.всё хорошее быстро кончается (Novoross)
harbinger of things to comeзнак грядущих перемен (The first cuts in our budget are a harbinger of things to come. VLZ_58)
have things firmly in handкрепко удерживать в своих руках (Andrey Truhachev)
he who commences many things finishes but fewза всё сразу берёшься – ничего не добьёшься
I'll make things hot for youбудешь у меня искать пятый угол (VLZ_58)
in the end things will mendперемелется – мука будет
it's better to look back and regret the things you did, rather than the things you didn't doлучше жалеть, что сделал, чем жалеть, что не сделал (Abysslooker)
It's more better to do right things than to do things rightЛучше поступать правильно, чем делать правильно
It's more better to do right things than to do things rightЛучше делать правильные вещи, чем вещи правильными
keep things firmly in handкрепко удерживать в своих руках (Andrey Truhachev)
keep things straightвидеть разницу (george serebryakov)
keep things straightотличать (george serebryakov)
keep things straightясно отличать одну вещь от другой (These two bottles look so much alike. It's hard to keep them straight. lop20)
keep things straightпроводить различие (Again, if you're having trouble keeping them (Your vs. You're) straight, try doing another grammar check before you hit publish. george serebryakov)
leave things to luckпустить всё на самотёк (Alex_Odeychuk)
make things as clear as a bellразложить по полочкам (VLZ_58)
make things as clear as mudнапускать туману (Andrey Truhachev)
make things humпридать размах делу (Andrey Truhachev)
make things humдать размах делу (Andrey Truhachev)
make things livelierзавинтить гайки (Yeldar Azanbayev)
to make things worseещё более усугубляя положение дел (Andrey Truhachev)
make things worseхуже того (sankozh)
make things worseещё более усугубляя ситуацию (Andrey Truhachev)
portent of things to comeзнак грядущих перемен (Today's visit from the auditors is a portent of things to come. VLZ_58)
provide a shoulder to cry on when things get toughдать поплакаться в жилетку о своём горе (Alex_Odeychuk)
provide a shoulder to cry on when things get toughпротянуть свежий носовой платок и дать поплакаться о своём горе (Alex_Odeychuk)
provide a shoulder to cry on when things get toughдать поплакаться на плече о своём горе (Alex_Odeychuk)
push things alongчто-то придумать (Give me a few minutes to make a phone call and see if I can push things along. 4uzhoj)
push things alongсдвинуть с мёртвой точки (Another factor that may push things along is the fear of what the US Federal Reserve may do next.)
push things alongдобиваться своего (Still, Mrs. Eccles is a mighty woman to push things along, and you had to admire her. 4uzhoj)
push things too farзайти слишком далеко (4uzhoj)
push things too farперейти черту (4uzhoj)
put things into layman's termsизложить доступно (Dr. Wardill is very easy to talk to and has no problem putting things into layman's terms. ART Vancouver)
put things into layman's termsдоступно изложить (Dr. Baldelli is very easy to talk to and has no problem putting things into layman's terms. ART Vancouver)
put things into layman's termsдоступно объяснить (Dr. Smyth is very easy to talk to and has no problem putting things into layman's terms. ART Vancouver)
put things into layman's termsобъяснить доступно (Dr. Jackson is very easy to talk to and has no problem putting things into layman's terms. ART Vancouver)
rid of things that weigh heavily on one's soulоблегчить душу (grafleonov)
screw mess things up forспутать все карты (someone VLZ_58)
set things rightисправлять ошибки (time to set things right Побеdа)
set things rightрасставить по своим местам (VLZ_58)
set things straightрасставить всё на свои места
shape of things to comeзнак грядущих перемен (Is shopping on the Internet the shape of things to come? VLZ_58)
sign of things to comeпредзнаменование (Mira_G)
sign of things to comeпредвестник перемен (Mira_G)
sign of things to comeзнамение (Mira_G)
sign of things to comeзнак грядущих перемен (Mira_G)
small things please small mindsмелкому уму — мелкие радости (Madlark)
small things please small mindsмелкому уму – мелкие радости (Madlark)
sort things outрасставить по своим местам (VLZ_58)
stir things upбаламутить воду (cause trouble, challenge the status quo, complain, disagree, disturb (Oxford Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
stranger things have happenedи не такое бывало (grafleonov)
take things at face valueпонимать буквально (VLZ_58)
take things at one's own paceжить в своём ритме (sankozh)
take things literallyпринимать за чистую монету (VLZ_58)
take things on one's shouldersбрать на себя ответственность (He's been a team-first guy and sometimes the team needs a guy to take things on his shoulders. In the third quarter, obviously, he was dynamic," Snyder said. VLZ_58)
take things to another levelвыйти на более высокий уровень (This particular concept was conceived after the pair drew a sizeable checkerboard in the snow and then decided to take things to another level with an even more fantastic design. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
these things happenбывает (Acruxia)
things are about to get rollingдело сдвинется с мёртвой точки (More than six years after it was approved by council, the largest mixed-use commercial and residential development project on the North Shore in recent decades will soon become a reality. City of North Vancouver council approved Concert Properties' request to build 800 strata and rental units and ground-level commercial space on the waterfront property along Harbourside Drive in 2014. But the land has largely be been left fallow since then. Now Concert president and CEO Brian McCauley says things are about to get rolling. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
things are getting complicatedвечер перестаёт быть томным (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П)
things are happening so quicklyвсё меняется прямо на глазах (financial-engineer)
things are heating upобстановка накаляется (Юрий Гомон)
things are looking upдела идут в гору (for sb.: «Он [Аким Тамиров] относится к числу тех, которые преуспевают. Дела его идут в гору. […] Он получает пятьсот долларов в неделю.» («Одноэтажная Америка», Илья Ильф, Евгений Петров) • My brother had a terrible start to the year. He broke his leg, his car was stolen and then his girlfriend left him. But things are looking up now – his leg's much better and he's just got a promotion. • After a bad couple of years, things are looking up for the company. They're making a profit again and have hired some new employees. • A: We've had an awful winter, haven't we? It's been cold and wet and windy for months! B: Don't worry! Spring's round the corner – things are looking up. bbc.co.uk ART Vancouver)
things got out of handситуация вышла из-под контроля (Alex_Odeychuk)
things haven't gotten off the ground yetконь не валялся (VLZ_58)
things haven't kicked into gear yetконь не валялся (VLZ_58)
things really began to take offпошла писать губерния (grafleonov)
things will go someone's wayкривая вывезет (VLZ_58)
turn things aroundвзяться за ум (george serebryakov)
turn things aroundизменить сложившееся положение дел к лучшему (ART Vancouver)
wait and see how things turn outкуда кривая вывезет (VLZ_58)
wait and see/watch how things developкуда кривая вывезет (VLZ_58)
wait and see/watch how things goкуда кривая вывезет (VLZ_58)
wait and see/watch how things pan outкуда кривая вывезет (VLZ_58)
wait and see/watch how things work outкуда кривая вывезет (VLZ_58)
wait and see/watch where things are headingкуда кривая вывезет (VLZ_58)
wait and see/watch where things goкуда кривая вывезет (VLZ_58)
we are not rich enough to buy cheap things / stuffмы не настолько богаты, чтобы покупать дешёвые вещи (Alexander Oshis)
what is holding things up?за чем дело стало? (Yeldar Azanbayev)
when things get trickyкогда начинает пахнуть жареным (Alex_Odeychuk)
while things are being decidedпока суд да дело (grafleonov)
while things sort themselves outпока суд да дело (grafleonov)
worse things happen at seaмогло бы быть и хуже (dict.cc Andrey Truhachev)