

посилання 20.01.2020 5:33 
Тема повідомлення with deposit interest rate 1 (one) year time

Может кто-нибудь сможет объяснить значение " with deposit interest rate 1 (one) year time". Контекст ниже. In the event that the seller is unable to transfer the ownership of the land and building to the purchaser pursuant to this agreement because of the default of the seller, the seller agrees the purchaser to claim money that the purchaser has paid all from the seller with deposit interest rate 1 (one) year time of COMMERCIAL BANK, from the date of the payment is made by the purchaser. 

Заранее благодарю.


посилання 20.01.2020 7:03 
По-моему, with deposit interest rate 1 (one) year time - ...включая проценты по депозиту, ставка которых установлены банком за (один) год/сумму процентов по установленной (...банком) годовой ставке для депозитов/по депозитам...


посилання 20.01.2020 19:17 
It's badly-written. The English in the first half of the paragraph ('In the event ...... default of the seller') = 10/10, but in the second half ('the seller agrees ...... made by the purchaser') it suddenly drops to 3/10:

'1 (one) year time' isn't English. It could mean any of several different things; I'm not sure exactly what the author/translator is trying to say.

The following are also wrong ....

'the seller agrees the purchaser to claim money' isn't English. It could possibly mean something like:

* 'the seller will allow the purchaser to claim money' or

* 'the seller agrees that the purchaser (can/will) claim money'

or something similar -- but they're just guesses by me.

'has paid all from the seller': 'all' doesn't make sense here. It's either the wrong word, or there are word(s) missing from in front of/behind 'all'.

'time of COMMERCIAL BANK': 'of' is also wrong here. The author/translator has either used the wrong word, or there are word(s) missing from in front of/behind 'of'.

'from the date of the payment is made' => 'from the date the payment is made'.

So the second half has been written by someone with limited English. You'll therefore have to either mind-read/guess what the author/translator means to say here, or else consult the original document.


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