

посилання 5.12.2012 12:47 
Тема повідомлення свалочный полигон? заг.
Более 22 млн евро необходимо для рекультивации свалочного полигона Бишкека.
More than 22 euros needed for reclamation of ......??? :-( :-(
у меня уже голова не работает


посилання 5.12.2012 12:50 


посилання 5.12.2012 12:51 

 Lonely Knight

посилання 5.12.2012 12:51 
имхо, просто landfill


посилання 5.12.2012 14:08 


посилання 5.12.2012 14:18 
Aiduza, пожалуй, так лучше.

Хотя, наверное, и просто landfill можно.

 Supa Traslata

посилання 5.12.2012 14:22 
он самый, landfill, полигон ТБД


посилання 5.12.2012 14:50 
и просто landfill можно.

Раньше они и на русский можно было переводить "свалка"
Но произошли законодательные изменения в терминах
Лэндфилл так и остался, а свалка стала звучать благозвучней.


посилання 5.12.2012 14:56 
landfill +1
dump просто свалка:
The Difference between a Landfill and a Dump
Both landfills and municipal dumps are geographical areas set aside for the collection and deposit of consumer waste. The differences between the two types of garbage depository, however, are quite significant.

As explained by the National Solid Waste Management Association, there are approximately 1,700 landfills in use. The number of landfills decreases as the size of them increases. Landfills are highly regulated waste depositories run by a government agency that must adhere to waste treatment laws and processing regulations. They have a government-mandated groundwater policy in place. The garbage in a landfill must be buried (covered with dirt) on a daily basis.

There are different types of landfills, including landfills for industrial garbage, landfills for municipal solid waste (i.e., household items and waste) and landfills for construction waste. Many newer landfills offer high levels of recycling facilities.

Dumps are considered illegal because they do not adhere to government regulations regarding the burying of waste and the controlling of groundwater contamination. Many dumps still exist and are simply that -- places to dump things with no mind for what happens to the waste. Many landfills were once dumps or were constructed on the sites of former dumps.


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