
 mikt bolton

посилання 25.05.2010 18:14 
Тема повідомлення IMSO телеком.
Дорогие коллеги,
я ньюкамер, простите, если что-то не так.
В Мультитране нашел IMSO - International Maritime Satellite Org. Тем не менее сейчас сижу в соглашении о предоставлении услуг LRIT (Long Range Identification and Tracking) - ОСРД (система опознавания судов и слежения за ними на дальнем расстоянии) и там IMSO позиционирует себя как International Mobile Satellite Org. Профи из ГРЦ, Морсвязьспутника и пр. настаивают, что эту организацию следует называть не "Международной организацией морской спутниковой связи", как она дается в Мультитране, а "Международной организацией подвижной спутниковой связи". Тем более, что это подтверждают соответствующие рекомендации ITU-R.
Хотелось бы услышать мнение коллег.
Кроме того, научите добавлять некоторые термины, полученные от носителей по проекту Штокман.

thanks in advance


посилання 25.05.2010 18:52 
Below is the history and explanation of curent name.

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The company was originally founded in 1979 as the International Maritime Satellite Organization (Inmarsat), a not-for-profit international organization, set up at the behest of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a United Nations body, for the purpose of establishing a satellite communications network for the maritime community.[2] It began trading in 1982.[3] From the beginning, the acronym "Inmarsat" was used. The intent was to create a self-financing body which would improve safety of life at sea. The name was changed to "International Mobile Satellite Organization" when it began to provide services to aircraft and portable users, but the acronym "Inmarsat" was kept. When the organisation was converted into a private company in 1999, the business was split into two parts: The bulk of the organisation was converted into the commercial company, Inmarsat plc, and a small group became the regulatory body, IMSO.[4] In 2005 Apax Partners and Permira bought shares in the Company. The Company was also first listed on the London Stock Exchange in that year.[5] In March 2008 it was disclosed that U.S. hedge fund Harbinger Capital owned 28% of the company.[6] In July 2009, Inmarsat completed the acquisition of a 19-per-cent stake in SkyWave Mobile Communications Inc., a provider of Inmarsat D+/IsatM2M network services which in turn purchased the GlobalWave business from TransCore.[7] On 15-04-2009 Inmarsat completed the acquisition of satellite communications provider Stratos Global Corporation (Stratos)

 mikt bolton

посилання 25.05.2010 20:06 
Thanks Yakov,
Got this info ok.
Guess I will use "Инмарсат IMSO" in the Rus text. Hope they are not that diggers as we are.
bst rgds


посилання 25.05.2010 22:44 
Hi Mikt
I also recently added few terms related to Shtokman project.
You can check if there is anything common.

 mikt bolton

посилання 26.05.2010 17:40 
Hi Yakov
Thanks again for your compehensive info of yesterday!
I deal with telecomms only.

In the regulatory documents of Minsvyaz and Mintrans encountered "Международная морская спутниковая организация"=IMSO. See "International Covention on International Mobile Satellite Organization" of Jul 16 1979. Also ITU-R official site gives the same.

bst rgds


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