

посилання 15.04.2009 10:21 
Тема повідомлення Ad фарм.
Что значит "Ad"?
Ad 1) an increase of 0.02 IU/mL FVIII:C in plasma can be expected from each FVIII product IU infused per kg body weight. Using this algorithm and the stated IU on the product vials the amount of mL for injection can be calculated to reach the plasma FVIII IU level decided by the treating physician. Ad 2) Between-patients and even in the individual patient over time, there is a considerable variation in recovery and clearance of FVIII. This is due to factors such as age, ongoing bleeding, presence of low level inhibitor and other presently unidentified factors.


посилання 15.04.2009 10:40 
Adverse effect?


посилання 15.04.2009 10:45 


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