

посилання 19.07.2007 18:36 
Тема повідомлення nawi v Amerike
Uvajaemye kollegi!
Plz podelites informaciej, 4to delat s russkim diplomom perevod4ika za granicej? Is there any possible way to transfer it into their standards? O4. ho4etsja rabotat po specialnosti. Budu o4. priznatelna za lubye sovety!


посилання 19.07.2007 18:48 
i do not know about the USA, but in UK all the road are open! if u are knowledgable (oops, how to spell it?), strong and persistent... you can always be self-employed as well.


посилання 19.07.2007 22:27 
No problem. You can frelance with various agencies. you can work for a hospital, State and Federal Court systems, Department of State etc
You will have to pass some tested.
Internet is your friend. Here are few websites to start with :

I do not know where you live, but contact your local court system and see if you need to take a test to itnerpreter in courts.



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