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Терміни у тематиці Довкілля (8333 статей)
"a thuaslagann luaidhe" plumbo-solvent
"luaidhe-thuaslagach" plumbo-solvent
6ú CGC Sixth Environment Action Programme
6ú CGC Sixth Environmental Action Programme
Áis don timpeallacht domhanda Global Environment Facility (An international organization established in 1990 to provide practical assistance to governments in achieving environmental improvements. The GEF is managed by the World Bank, which contributes 2/3 of its funds, the remaining 1/3 being controlled by the United Nations Development Programme)
abhainn river (A stream of water which flows in a channel from high ground to low ground and ultimately to a lake or the sea, except in a desert area where it may dwindle away to nothing. A river and all its tributaries within a single basin is termed a drainage system)
abhainn a chainéalú river channelling (The alteration of a natural stream by excavation, realignment, lining or other means to accelerate the flow of water)
ábhair chontúirteacha a iompar dangerous materials transport (Type of transport regulated by special safety rules)
abhantrach idirnáisiúnta international river basin (Land area drained by a river and its tributaries whose waters are situated in and utilized by two or more countries)
ábhar subject (No definition needed)
ábhar material (The substance of which a product is made or composed)
ábhar alúmanaim aluminium content (Amount of aluminium contained in a solution)
ábhar ar fuaidreamh suspended matter (Matter suspended in a fluid by the upward components of turbulent currents or by colloidal suspension)
ábhar ar fuaidreamh san aer comhthimpeallach suspended matter in ambient air
ábhar athchúrsáilte recycled material (Waste materials that are transformed into new products in such a manner that the original products may lose their identity)
ábhar cailciam calcium content (Amount of calcium contained in a solution)
ábhar cáithníneach sil-leagtha deposited particulate matter
ábhar cothaitheach nutrient content (The amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, inorganic salts (e.g. nitrates, phosphates), minerals (e.g. calcium, iron), and water)
ábhar dreideáilte dredged material (Unconsolidated material removed from rivers, streams, and shallow seas with machines such as the bucket-ladder dredge, dragline dredge, or suction dredge)
ábhar foinse fuinnimh energy source material (Sources from which energy can be obtained to provide heat, light, and power. Energy resources, including fossil and nuclear fuels as well as solar, water, tidal and geothermal energy, may be captured or recovered and converted into other energy forms for a variety of household, commercial, transportation, and industrial applications)