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Терміни у тематиці Охорона здоров’я (116 статей)
acetonitrile diclazuril
-dioxide carbadox
-dioxide E850
/sup> carbadox
/sup> E850
1< carbadox
1< E850
4< carbadox
4< E850
American Association of Neurological Surgeons AANS iwona
equity compliance coordinator ECC iwona
Elderly Waiver EW iwona
EAGeR Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction CRINKU­M-CRANK­UM
eDRLS Electronic Drug Registration and Listing CRINKU­M-CRANK­UM
Foundation Medicine Inc. FMI iwona
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 'More
ISoP International Society of Pharmacometrics CRINKU­M-CRANK­UM
REPs Regulatory Exchange Platform – secure Marika­_2020
PQ Rx/Vx/Dx WHO Prequalification of medicines, vaccines and in-vitro diagnostics CRINKU­M-CRANK­UM
ACSoMP Advisory Committee on Safety of Medicinal Products CRINKU­M-CRANK­UM