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Терміни у тематиці Менеджмент (26 статей)
center of competence CoC ВВлади­мир
chief visionary officer CVO grafle­onov
Ciro method CIRO ssn
client relations management client relationship management ssn
client relationships management client relationship management ssn
CoC Center of Competence ВВлади­мир
F.Inst.D. Fellow of Institute of Directors Tantan
forming forming stage ssn
gazelle a small firm that has great prospects for growth sveta4­usa
human resource management HRM ssn
Japan Quality Assurance JQA Johnny­ Bravo
Japanese Quality Association JQA Johnny­ Bravo
just-in-time inventory system just-in-time inventory control ssn
key executive insurance key employee insurance ssn
keyworker key employee ssn
Make to Order MTO Michae­lBurov
Make-to-Order MTO Michae­lBurov
Manufacture to Order MTO Michae­lBurov
Manufacture-to-Order MTO Michae­lBurov
norming norming stage ssn