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BHT Abk.
Abkürz., Chem. antioxidant 264
Abkürz., E.öl. bottom hole temperature (andrushin)
Abkürz., el. binary hypothesis test (error probability)
Abkürz., Mil., Luftf. Bell Helicopter Textron
Abkürz., Nahrungsind. butylated hydroxytoluene
Abkürz., Sachal. bottomhole temperature
Abkürz., tierh. butylated hydroxytolune
bht. Abk.
Abkürz., Tech. bracket
Abkürz., E.öl. Baker Hughes Treatment Services
BHT Abk.
Abkürz. Blowdown Heat Transfer
Abkürz., Chem., Wissensch. Butylated Hydroxy Toluene
Abkürz., E.öl. bis-hexamethylene triamine; bis-hydroxyethyl-terephthalate; borehole temperature; bottom-hole treatment; Brinell hardness tester
Abkürz., el., Wissensch. Brinell Hardness Test
Abkürz., IT Branch History Table; branch prediction table
Abkürz., Luftf. Brighton Downs, Queensland, Australia
Abkürz., Marke. Bell Helicopter - Textron
Abkürz., Med. Beta-hydroxytheophylline; Breath Hydrogen Test; Bronchial Hygiene Therapy; black hairy tongue (ННатальЯ); bucket handle tear
Abkürz., Nahrungsind. butylhydroxytoluene (also: butylated hydroxytoluene: Butylated Hydroxytoluene is an organic chemical composed of 4-methylphenol modified with tert-butyl groups at positions 2 and 6. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) inhibits autoxidation of unsaturated organic compounds. BHT is used in food, cosmetics and industrial fluids to prevent oxidation and free radical formation. 'More)
Abkürz., Physiol., Med. Blunt Head Trauma
Abkürz., Progr., IT Budget Holders Toolkit
Abkürz., Telef. Busy hour traffic (Yakov)
Abkürz., Öl&Gas bottom hole temperature (MichaelBurov); bottom-hole temperature (MichaelBurov); bottomhole temperature (MichaelBurov)
Biochem., Med. Butylated Hydroxytoluene
el. Brinell hardness test
Mil. bomber heavy, tanker
Physiol. Blunt head trauma