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подкованный Adj.Betonungen
Allg. versed; heeled; shod; skilled (Andrey Truhachev); ironshod (Taras); iron-shod (Taras); woke (Alert, aware of what is going on, or well-informed, especially in social justice contexts, and (in current usage) holding liberal or left-wing views, particularly on social justice issues. Synonyms: see Thesaurus:vigilant Coordinate terms: politically correct (chiefly derogatory), right-on (British). Usage notes: While its predecessor politically correct was chiefly derogatory, woke (like liberal) can have positive or negative connotations depending on speaker and audience. In particular, some derogatory uses of woke refer to people who would self-identify as woke.: If You're Woke You Dig It [title]. But the cultural conflict between these two post-revolutionary styles – between frat guys and feminist bluestockings, Gamergaters and the diversity police, alt-right provocateurs and "woke" dudebros, the mouthbreathers who poured hate on the all-female "Ghostbusters" and the tastemakers who pretended it was good – is likely here to stay. Like, if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn't do something right or used the wrong verb, then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself, cause, "Man, you see how woke I was, I called you out." That's not activism. That's not bringing about change. If this were actually true, you would expect real traction for the wokest candidates in the Democratic presidential race. But it's been just the opposite. The woke candidates have been the weakest, electorally speaking, and the defining attribute of the Democratic primary has been a preoccupation with the voters that put Trump in the White House. wiktionary.org Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг shrewd
Amerik. wonky (having or showing a lot of interest in and knowledge about the details of a particular subject : having the qualities of a wonk || Comment by Liv Bliss: generally fine for US usage (from "wonk" [e.g., "policy wonk"] = nerd) in UK, and some US, usage, though, this means wobbly, unstable, misaligned, not quite right, etc., etc. ("she has one wonky eye" "my bike's gone all wonky"): a wonky bureaucrat in the State Department. learnersdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
landwirt. shod (о лошади); shoed
umg. savvy (Kydex)
подковать V.
Allg. horseshoe; hack; shoe (a horse); hack (в регби и т. п. тж. hack someone's shins)
Gruzovik, pferd. shoe a horse (pf of подковывать, ковать)
Gruzovik, umg. dupe (pf of подковывать); swindle (pf of подковывать)
Gruzovik, übertr. ground in (pf of подковывать); prepare (pf of подковывать)
übertr., umg. dupe; ground (in); prepare; swindle; train
подковаться V.
Allg. shoe
Gruzovik, übertr. acquire the necessary knowledge in (pf of подковываться); get a grounding in (pf of подковываться)
übertr., umg. dupe; get a grounding (in); ground (in); prepare; swindle
"подковать" V.
Makarow. hack someone's shins (ударить по ноге)
umg., Sport. hack (в регби и т.п.; ударить по ноге)
: 55 Phrasen in 16 Thematiken
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