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моя хата с краюBetonungen
моя хата с краю, ничего не знаю
Allg. it has nothing to do with me
Slang. not my hill (Bauirjan)
umg., idiom. it's none of my business (grafleonov); it's neither my headache nor my piece of cake!; leave me out!; it's nothing to do with me; it's no concern of mine; it's not my funeral (Leya-Richter); I'm alright Jack (i.e. I don't care what problems other people have Halipupu); I couldn't care less (ad_notam); it's not my business; that has nothing to do with me; see no evil, hear no evil (Рина Грант)
Игорь Миг, umg., idiom. is no concern of mine; it is no concern of mine
моя хата с краю
: 12 Phrasen in 4 Thematiken
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Journalismus Fachbegriffe1
Zitate und Aphorismen1