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Allg. break into; horn in; smash in; efforce; intrude; force; bounce (в какое-либо помещение); pierce; burst into (with в + acc.); crash the gate
Gruzovik break in (impf of вломиться)
Bild. Ausdr. barge in ("Your barging in and telling me to get up and dress, and all that rot.' 'I've barged in, as you call it, because me telegrams seemed to produce no effect." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
Makarow. break in; bulge in; force an entry
Slang. scape in (без приглашения; if someone just joins in and their not wanted they've just scaped in Artjaazz); break in (The sergeant broke in the door of the house. == Сержант ногой выбил дверь дома.); crash the gate (На вечеринку к Джейн пришёл её бывший парень. Мику это явно не нравится, и Джейн отчаянно оправдывается: "Believe me, Mick! I didn't invite him. He crashed the gate". == "Поверь мне, я его не звала. Он сам припёрся".)
umg. bowl into (We can't just bowl into his office. Abysslooker)
veralt. empierce
veralt., Dial. cram (куда-либо)
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