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Allg. jabber (to talk rapidly; to talk too fast or not clearly enough to be understood: What are you jabbering about?); gibber; chatter; gabble; talk by the hour; talk nineteen to the dozen; talk away; talk a mile a minute (Anglophile); natter; rush; speak a mile a minute (Bullfinch); patter; talk thirteen to the dozen; clack; a mile a minute (lliska); set one's clack-a-going; gossip; twaddle
australisch., umg. yabber
Gruzovik, umg. rattle on; babble; jaw
idiom., umg. talk twenty to the dozen (As if saying twenty words to another's dozen: He can talk French twenty to the dozen.)
Makarow. jibber; talk a blue streak
umg. rattle on; rattle (Taras); prattle (Taras); blabber (Taras); spiel (глаг. Taras)
: 4 Phrasen in 2 Thematiken
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