
Einträge für die Thematik Umgangssprachlich enthaltend commons | alle Formen
common as dirtкак домашние тапочки (три копейки, Ленин и т.д. Viacheslav Volkov)
common peopleчернить
common peopleпочернеть
common sense tells us thatежу понятно (SirReal)
fairly commonвесьма распространено (It's called referred pain. They say it's fairly common. Val_Ships)
having common senseнеглупый (Anglophile)
it is a common wisdom thatПринято считать, что (Alexander Matytsin)
leader has common touchлидер близкий к народу (chronik)
modicum of common senseчуточку здравого смысла (Val_Ships)
not very commonне очень типично (My daughter has her dad, which is not very common in teenagers nowadays. I think that's awesome. ART Vancouver)
out of the commonзазвонистый (run)
the common peopleпростолюдье
this is a rather common expressionэто довольно ходкое выражение
this is common practiceтак принято (diyaroschuk)
what do they have in common?что он Гекубе?
what do they have in common?что ему Гекуба
what do they have in common?что ему Гекуба?